IMHO, speakers are way too subjective and environment-dependent for any recommendations to be much use. Your ears, the room they'll be in, and the budget are the only things that can determine the 'best'. There are lots of great manufacturers out there, and lots of variations in opinion on what makes a good speaker. I know that doesn't help you much, but buying what someone else thinks is 'best' is risky at best. If you can listen to some speakers, and take notes on what you like/don't like, then post up those findings, then you can get more help. Many of the brands I've seen written about here I've never heard of, but if you post up that you like 'Speaker x' for the reasons that it had 'great vocals' and you like that, perhaps someone here familiar with 'Speaker x' can say 'I've heard those, and for that price, look at 'Speaker y' which you may find has even better 'vocals' and improved bass response.'