I guess I might offer my 2 cents on your amp choice.
If you are certain the ATI is enough power, I would call ATI and confirm it is made in the USA as stated in this link (and the classic audio says all ATI amps are made in the USA, but not under the 602 ad copy?)
If it is built in the US, that would clinch it for me.
Other considerations:
1) 7 year warranty for ATI - 7 years strikes me as a company that is especially proud of their designs/products (they would probably sell fine at 5 years warranty). I expect any amp I buy to last an easy 15 years, but given the way some people will load it, I think it matters.
2) Heat build up - I don't know which would run cooler. maybe someone here knows? This would really be worth investigation if you plan to put it somewhere where ventilation might be less than ideal.
3) Output devices - The relevance is over my head, but I find it a little troubling that Emotiva does not specify the number of "output devices per channel" as they do for their other amps. You might call and ask. ATI does specify "High-current, bi-polar output transistors with active bias circuits result in effortless operation."
But, again, the big caveat is does the ATI produce enough power. Nothing can compete with EMO for watts/$. Once you get into their higher XPA series, they start adding refinement while maintaining the watt/$ advantage! The old UPA-2 model specified output devices (triple darlington design, IIRC), so I keep getting hung up on it's omission on the UPA-200.