So.... maybe this should be in a different topic (mods please move if it should be!) but it fits here because I'm specifically talking about my new AVR.
Years ago (about 11 or so) I bought an Onkyo/Integra 989 as I wanted to move "up" to surround sound. I was very, very happy with it. It sounded gorgeous, even though it was running speakers that no doubt could be improved on.
A couple of years ago I bought our first big LCD TV, with stacks of HDMI inputs. Then an Apple TV with only an HDMI out and optical audio out. I ran that by plugging HDMI straight to the TV and an optical link to the 989. Same with the PS3, and the DVD player.
For some reason, this round of "Boxing Day Sales" I got that itch... I'm sure most of you have had it.
I convinced myself that it was time to move on.... to get an AVR that could process video, upscale DVD to 1080p, use neat HDMI cables for both audio and video (saves on clutter, you see!) and process the "new" sound formats (or whatever you call them... you know, Dolby -HD etc. etc.).
However, I can't afford as much now as I could then, and went for "mid-range" instead of "Flagship". I thought that in 11 years things would have moved on, and it would sound better anyway.
First I bought an Anthem MRX 300. I took it back the next day. I know I didn't run the set-up software, but it sounded pretty bad (to my ears) compared to the 989.
I swapped it for an Integra 50.4 (after paying several hundred more much-needed dollars!). It sounded much better out of the box, and really good after running Audyssey..... but not "wow, I'm glad I swapped my AVR" good. Truth is, I couldn't remember how good the 989 sounded, and couldn't be bothered to swap all those wires again to compare.
Then I realised a lot of the new processing formats can't yet be used by me, as I'm running 5.1. I then realised even if I get two more speakers, the Apple TV & iTunes only does Dolby Digital anyway.... which my 989 was running 11 years ago.
The PS3 says it does all these super new formats, but when I play a Bluray Disc through it, it still shows up as PCM.... I heard that it is actually outputting something much better, but the receiver still sees it as PCM....
So, until I buy two more speakers and a new BD player, I'm not hearing the benefits. I doubt I'll buy a BD player because I pretty much stopped buying discs a couple of years ago.... sitting through those FBI warnings and trailers that were hard to skip helped convert me to digital download only!
Well, that's got that off my chest.!
In a nutshell, I feel I've been lured by a dream of ever-improving audio nirvana.... and ended up spending a heap of cash for no real improvement on what I already had.
Anyone else get those sort of feelings???