

Audioholic Overlord
If I do get the refund, I plan to offer to pay the seller back for his shipping costs. Sure, his responses to the amp being defective seemed sketchy to me, but I might have it wrong and don't want the guy to be out cash because of the deal.
I don't think you should send any money. It's probably dangerous from a legal standpoint because you give his sale validity. Consider the shipping a price for your hassle.


Audioholic Chief
After years, I finally started looking online for ways to make a PS3 Slim quieter (maybe I did it years ago and have forgotten). Some folks claim that theirs are dead silent, while others say that theirs are louder like mine. It's not vacuum-cleaner loud, mind you. :) But, I do have to turn up the volume on some programs to hear them over it, and I'd prefer to not have to do that.

I think that I might play around with it a bit this weekend.
Psst...just do the opposite of the recent AH article and just raise the noise floor of your place by keeping the HVAC blower on and dishwasher running all the time and you won't even notice that PS3:p

However if you persue this and it involves fan replacement I'd take a look at Scythe. They make some near silent top quality units.


Audioholic Jedi
I might just punch those holes in the wall and put the PS3 in that closet after all. :) We'll see how weary I am of working after I get this faucet installed.

Speaking of which...


Audioholic Overlord
You can make it silent by replacing the fan with a quiet one, but it is by no means a simple task.


Audioholic Slumlord
I might just punch those holes in the wall and put the PS3 in that closet after all. :) We'll see how weary I am of working after I get this faucet installed.

Speaking of which...
Oh?? Is your faucet dripping? :p


Audioholic Ninja
After years, I finally started looking online for ways to make a PS3 Slim quieter (maybe I did it years ago and have forgotten). Some folks claim that theirs are dead silent, while others say that theirs are louder like mine.
While you have it open, might as well "upgrade" the thermal transfer paste to Arctic Silver 3.

Better cooling of chips = less need for fan to come on.


Audioholic Jedi
Oh?? Is your faucet dripping? :p
Yeah, I know where you're going, but... :D

Nah, I'm replacing a perfectly working faucet that I got two months ago and really like. Why? I got a new one from the Vine program and want to review it. It's the same design as the one that I picked out and bought two months ago, except this new one has motion sensors to turn on/off. That's pretty much the only up side to it. It's a more complicated install, but I don't think it'll be too bad. I already have my old one out and am ready to install this new one.


Audioholic Spartan
:eek: Say it isn't soooo? I made You cringe? ... Wow I feel honored some how. :)
I like to shower as much as the next person, but I'll pass on the golden type.
For the record, I'm not a fan of yellow snow either.


Audioholic Ninja
If you need a hand with that faucet let me know, I'll come over with one of my service trucks and a tech, just $99 per hour, per tech


Audioholic Jedi
If you need a hand with that faucet let me know, I'll come over with one of my service trucks and a tech, just $99 per hour, per tech
Ahhh, bigger font. Where'd you think of that? :p

Thanks for the fake offer, but I got it all installed. Works great. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Did discover ever give you your refund? Last I recall the wheels were turning but you hadn't got anything yet :(
It showed up on my account as an "adjustment" this time and not a "temporary reversal" or whatever it said last time. The e-mail that I got also didn't say that it was under investigation, but rather that it would get reversed only if the merchant provided additional proof to support the transaction. I have high hopes!

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