I would just get the receiver not the amps, the amps are a good option if you are just using 1 analog stereo source, since they have intergrated volume controls, and keeping the audio path as simple as possible is a good way to get a clean accurate sound...
But since you want an avr, then I would go with the denon, and call it a day.... As for the sub, shop around, and ask here before you buy...
As far as the energy speakers go, $400 is a good buy, but I am not a huge fan of that model or brand, I would say a set of of cbm170se's will sound much more accurate and cost less... Not to mention be much warmer with very little fatigue... Just to c0nfuse things a little more, everyone has opinions you need to spend some time listening to what you are considering, you are going to have to live with and spend your money on what you choose..