A. Vivaldi

A. Vivaldi

<font color='#000000'>Have you ever noticed that a lot of the musicians who suck seem to work and stick together? Musicians like Sting (a.k.a. Stink), John Melloncamp, Billy Joel, Elton John, Bruce Springstink, Rod Stewart, Phil Collins, Paul McCartney, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Eric Clapton, Don Henley, Brian Adams, etc.  You may have noticed some of these artists touring and collaborating together. They also love to do live aid type stuff to show how much they &quot;care&quot; and because it's a great photo op. Anyone remember &quot;We Are The World&quot; and stuff like that? Those were the biggest conglomerations of sucky musicians that ever gathered in one place. When you think about it, there was enough money between them all to end hunger in a Large portion of Africa for years, if they REALLY cared. From what I seen it didn't happen. Have you ever noticed that really good, serious musicians don't have anything to do with these people?  
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Republican Poster Boy
<font color='#000000'>Yeah I noticed that, I guess people that suck together tend to stay together.</font>


Full Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>What,since you don't like them they suck? No one on your list is my favorite but I wouldn't say they suck.</font>
A. Vivaldi

A. Vivaldi

<font color='#000000'><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
zipper : What,since you don't like them they suck? No one on your list is my favorite but I wouldn't say they suck.
Do they suck compared to your average bar band? No. Do they suck compared to other famous musicians in the public domain? Yes. Some of these musicians may have been good at one time, or may have had a couple of good songs, but they've been living off their reputation for far too long. Some of them are egotists who think they are bigger and better than the bands that made them famous, and some have just plain sucked from day one. I don't know about you, but I've never met anyone personally who has admitted to being big fans of these musicians or having attended their concerts.</font>
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

<font color='#8D38C9'>I'll certainly admit to reverance for Sting &amp; Springsteen. &nbsp;Their recent faux pas aside, they have collectively dozens of albums that verge on genius. &nbsp;Sting particularly has forgotten more about songwriting than most of his peers ever knew. &nbsp;Yeah, his last couple of albums are pretty lame but that doesn't dilute the genius of the first half dozen.

Do you just not like rock, A/V, or are you just a closet Avril Lasagne fan?
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Junior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>A. Vivaldi,

A list of 'sucky' musicians is not very constructive because people have very different tastes. &nbsp;Why not share with us some of the musicians that you think are good?


A. Vivaldi

A. Vivaldi

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
abe : <font color='#000000'>A. Vivaldi,

A list of 'sucky' musicians is not very constructive because people have very different tastes.  Why not share with us some of the musicians that you think are good?


<font color='#000000'>A list of &quot;good&quot; musicians isn't very constructive either for the same reason, but you're right, I should try to be more positive. I should've put this thread in The Steam Vent.</font>


Junior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>I think recommendations will help, but of course that by no means will make everyone instant fans.   Given thousands bands, song, albums, videos just in US alone,  non of us have the time, energy, resource, or knowlede to explore all of them.   So we do need all kinds of reviews, recommandations, even comercials to be exposed.   Say some people love classical music and have extensive knowledge, they can definitely recommend the rest of us of what they think are good.  I may not like all (or even any) of the recommended pieces, but it is a good starting point.  

Just my $0.02.



A. Vivaldi

Look up narrow-minded in the dictionary and your picture will be there.


Ok, I'll admit to knowing and liking almost all of those artists/bands. As has been said, everyone has different tastes and what one considers to be a "sucky" band may well draw criticisms from those with exactly the opposite feeling.

The OP's statements remind me of the various reviews on Amazon. Ridiculous comments like the Beatles white album sucks and we should go out and get bands like Limp Bizkit, Incubus, etc. YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT BANDS THAT SUCK? There are a few. Whether you like the Beatles or not, you have to at least recognize that they were pioneers AND they are still popular 40 years later. The artists listed all have had careers spanning decades and are still selling. NONE of the grunge, rap, hip-hop, etc bands will be popular even 5 years from now - many are already fading away.

Another thing. Most of the artists listed also have written hit songs for OTHER artists. Do you think we'll ever see an artist in 2020 doing a cover of a Limp Bizkit song? Not a chance.


Sucky Artists

Love, love love Eric Clapton. I even like Incubus. Not much on Limp Biskit though. My point is this - variety is the spice of life. Different strokes for different folks. Maybe Vivaldi should read Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" and be thankful we can all choose to listen to what we want.


My music is bigger than yours

Alright. This is to the Unregistered Guest from the bottom of Page One.

I would like to disprove your theory on how none (in all caps on your post) of the bands mentioned in your post will be popular in five years. This will be proven in a simplistic manner.

Queen was started over 20 years ago. They are still popular today. Freddie Mercury had a wonderful range that I'm sure is wider than yours. Of course, so was his range of man-friends.
The Beatles was started over 30 years ago. They are sill popular today. I have nothing to say about the beatles except for "
Nirvana, a GRUNGE BAND, was started over fifteen years ago. The popularity of Kurt Cobain, the lead singer alone, is so high that even ten years (April was the ten year anniversary of his death) after his death, he is on the cover of every music magazine on the shelf.
Run-DMC, a RAP band, was started over twenty years ago. They collaborated with Aerosmith, a band popular 30 years ago, to create a hit single that sold millions of copies. They are popular today. Ever heard "It's Tricky"?
Tupac Shakur, a rapper, has released over three albums SINCE HIS DEATH that still sell millions of copies each. I would be willing to bet that Tupac sold more than Rod Stewart last year. And Stewart is still alive.
And please don't get me started on Incubus. They have a good sound and are great at what they do, which is sell music. They've created "smart-rock" which is complicated enough for musicians to like, yet catchy enough to sell a few hit singles here and there. Listen to "Southern Girl" on the lastest album, "A Crow Left Of the Murder" and tell me that gentleman can't sing. Go ahead.
I do not like Limp Bizkit. I think Fred Durst struggles with most of his notes, and I don't really care for the way they arrange their music. However, they have produced a few good songs, and Durst has done a lot for the music industry.
I hate Eminem, but that white boy can rap.

The bottom line is, your whole statement was ridiculous. Why would you openly exploit how incredibly closed-mided you are by giving thumbs up to the bands that the original post said sucked, yet being completely thumbs down to any genre you don't like?

In conclusion, yes. I do think we will see an artist in 2020 doing a cover of a Limp Bizkit song. It may actually be a George Micheal song, (btw, Wham! was probably not the best band to start a side project from) but I would be willing to bet we'll see Rap, Hip-Hop, Funk, Techno, Disco, Vocal, Showtunes, Reggae and Progressive Rock all being produced, covered, and sampled for years to come. How about the rest of you?


Audioholic Chief
My 2 cents!

Eric Clapton is one of the very very best!!
To state that he is not, might indicate some sort of serios misjudgement of obvious talent and dedication!!!

Nuff Said



Interesting how you use bands from the era I cited with 20 or 30 year histories and then magically equate them to bands (and I use that term loosely) of recent vintage and make the leap that they will also be around and selling like hotcakes in 20 years. Your 'proof' is equally ridiculous.

Let's use your Nirvana example. Now I do like Nirvana, but I would not put them in the same league as Queen, Eric Clapton, or the Beatles in terms of longevity and album sales. Curt Kobain is in the news and magazine covers because he killed himself, Tupac because he was killed - the media will keep it going as long people are paying attention to it. When was the last time you heard Nirvana on the radio? Not lately, but you still hear the older bands you cited.

True, I don't care for Rap, Hip-Hop and the other offshoots of that. Neither do the old hands of the record industry - tons of documentaries and other info on that topic. The music industry has changed from concentrating on the music to selling an image. It is now aimed at teenagers and white kids who think its 'cool' to fancy themselves a gangster. Great role models. I love how MTV has shows like 'greatest hip-hop feuds' where they tell how these losers are writing songs about capping each other and living the gangster life, as if that is to be commended.

The rappers and other 'artists' of the ilk have no musical talent whatsoever. It's all a flash in the pan and will go away very soon.


Nirvana on the Radio

You can't use radio as the basis of whether a group or band has longevity. They are going to play whatever the fat cats that own the stations tell them to play, crap or not.


Radio play as a yardstick

True, nearly all radio stations are owned by Clear Channel and they mandate what gets played. I personally only listen to radio in the car now. I'm just saying that if even Clear Channel who think they have the pulse of the music listening population will allow older music to be played, then it is likely far more popular than even recent music.


I don't want to offend anybody, but I certainly wouldn't mind it they stopped playing Toby Keith on the radio. I'm not talking so much about the political message, (I don't really care for that either), but his songs just sound awful. I think I could probably write one, including lyrics, in about an hour. His voice sucks too and I just don't understand his popularity unless you conribute it to blind patriotism. "I'll put a boot in your ***, it's the American way". Come on.


You can find Toby Keith on most country stations. I don't really like country but I live in south Texas and that's every other station. He sings a song called "American Soldier," he got into a big feud with the Dixie Chicks because he exploited 9/11 and the war in Iraq with some really bad songs. If you haven't heard of him, you probably have decent taste in music. His music has easily got to be some of the worst I have ever heard.


The Devils Advocate

Dear Vivaldi
You really must expand a little, otherwise you have an unfair advantage in being the only one who knows exactly what you mean by "sucks". Do you mean, you never liked the people in your list, or you did, but then went off them when you consider they began to "suck"?. To go some way to what I think you are trying to say, I would describe someone like Mick Jagger as a musician that ended up "sucking", and I would support my opinion by saying that I think spending the last 40 years partying has left him with nothing to say, and poor sales of his solo albums bear this out. That said, as long as the Rolling Stones can produce a professional show for those that want to see and hear them, that seems fine to me. I would be interested to know the spectrum of music you have experienced. If somone can do something well, should they not continue, whether you or I or anyone else likes it?. Music is a an art and craft, like anything else, learned and honed for years. You wouldn't expect a scultptor to stop working because he/she was out of fashion or not popular. The people you have mentioned are all still very popular, not with youself or myself, maybe, but surley that's just different taste isn't it?. Actually, as a musician, I always thought "sucked" meant "played/performed badly", but what would I know I've "sucked" at times myself - but as I'm sure you know - words can mean anything today.

"The one who asks a question, is a fool for the moment. The one who never questions, is a fool forever" - old zen saying

Love y'all

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