The only other time I've heard of a sealed box that large was when I questioned Josh Ricci about making the RE XXX 18" in a sealed box and if it was possible. He told me that a box of 9 cu. ft should be about right. You and he both have forgotten more than I know about this stuff so I'm just trying to reconcile the two pieces of conflicting information with the spreadsheet in front of me.
I'm also not putting blind faith in this random spreadsheet, but it seems to be doing more things right than it is doing wrong, so I'm just curious as to where it is going wrong.
Oh, also, the guy I bought the sub from has been doing this quite awhile so I assumed he knew what he was doing as well. He also provided drivers that were in the Simply Sound Audio Rhumba which got a pretty good review from theJman which led me to believe he had an idea.
I'm just trying to make sense of it all