And dangerous too, if you used the XPA-2. All it would have taken was one pop or transient coming through that speaker and it might have blown a driver or two, and you might have been deaf.
Yeah, could have definitely blown a few speakers {thats what warranties are for lol}, but probably no hearing damage...
A while back, I was sighting in the scope on my brand new Dakota D97 {chambered in .375 H&H}, and I dont know if it was from the excitement of getting on the paper with the first 3 shots, or that all of the first 3 shots were touching each other!!! But I took my muffs off, while I cleaned the barrel and got ready for the next 3 shots, when I was done I picked the rifle back up and settled in to take another few more shots, I pulled the trigger and instantly thought the world shutoff!!!
To make it worse the rifle had a brake machined into the barrel, Luckily the rifle was on the bipod and a pair of sand rests, because I would have dropped my $5K rifle on the ground... All I could hear was Ringing in both ears and multiple sharp pains in my right, it lasted about 3 days, I went to the emergency room when the ringing didn't stop {the pain only lasted 5 minutes or so}. They did an examine and sent me to an ear nose throat guy who said the ringing should only last a week and gave me some drops and antibiotics!!! He said the hairs in my inner ear probably broke off causing tinnitus, and it takes a few days for them to grow back...
I have since shot the rifle with the db meter {my meter goes up to 170 and it says OL when I tried to meter it, I had to set the meter up about 12 feet away and it measured 159db!!! I would say its 175+ at the muzzle... My ears hurt just thinking about it, good thing I was outside, if I was ever shooting from the indoor range, I would be deaf...