G'day you all
I also own an LX-82, but my question is actually even more beginner: where do I learn about Audio & Speakers? Would anybody know of any tutorial that enables me to grasp what seems all to easy for you all but is way beyond my leak? I mean, without me googling and clicking for months? Because I have been doing that for the last four hours, only to become completely depressed. Even the 'explanations' I found that are aimed at 'beginners' assume so much implicit knowledge, that all you do is run around / click around in circles ('what does this word mean the author uses but doesn't explain so assumes knowledge for the beginning reader).
I am a complete noob as it comes to audio, and basically, my problem is this: two years ago I bought one of the last Kuro's (KRP-500A). I decided to buy an LX-82 (and an LX-52) to go with it, since the retailer offered a great deal. The Kuro has been used intensively (nice TV ), and so has the LX-52. The LX-82, however, has not been used whatsoever, it has just been standing there for two years, right under the TV, looking all shiny and making me wonder every day 'and what might that machine be capable of'? (This last sentence was meant to make you all laugh
The problem being is: the Pioneer manual appears to be a sort of 'point and click' (if you want this setting, then press this setting). But the bigger picture isn't there. All kinds of terms I have no clue about what they mean, so I have no clue what I am 'tweaking' or what I should be tweaking. I mean it like this: there is no reference model in my head, the foundation of audio. To give an example: I see many people all easily discussing the best setting for a cross-over, but I have no clue what a cross-over is in the first place, so nice that the Pioneer manual says 'if you want to change the cross over', then go this menu, but I am lacking the foundation of it all: the 'audio 101'. Another example: standing waves, ok, my stupid brain (I studied economics, so there you go; point proved
) says 'well, I have no clue what is, its probably the brother of the lying wave (again, meant to make a laugh for you
Now, like said, it will take me months to google every word, sift through the sites that don't properly explain it, and then, finally, I will probably end with a list of words with explanations. And then I have to connect all that to something coherent (and pray that I don't make errors due to misunderstandings), to arrive at 'the conceptual, high-level, frame work of audio'. And once I've done that, I can dive into the Pioneer manual, try to understand their settings and how to relate that to the conceptual audio framework. And to do this a little bit more efficienty (the alternative is throwing the LX-82 in the garbage can because I can't spend months on this, there are mouths to feed in this family and I am the choosen one to do that
), I am looking for such a 'audio for complete dummies: what the words mean, and how it all relates to eachother'.
To give one more example: I studied economics. For sure I can't tell non-economists about how to monitor the beta of a stock market share if I don't lay the foundation first: what stocks are, how the stock market works, how stocks are valued, how to tend to evolve. And including statistics foundations in this matter too. Only then, after I have explained all that, if I have been a good tutorial, the student is ready to understand what 'beta' means in the stock market, and how to interpret and work with it.
I was hoping someone here would perhaps be so (too!) kind to point me in the right direction. I was thinking, I can't be the first one to ask for a document like this, so it has to exist somewhere. But I can't seem to find it.
I'd be in your debt for helping me out, and I really, really, mean that
Thank you in advance,
I also own an LX-82, but my question is actually even more beginner: where do I learn about Audio & Speakers? Would anybody know of any tutorial that enables me to grasp what seems all to easy for you all but is way beyond my leak? I mean, without me googling and clicking for months? Because I have been doing that for the last four hours, only to become completely depressed. Even the 'explanations' I found that are aimed at 'beginners' assume so much implicit knowledge, that all you do is run around / click around in circles ('what does this word mean the author uses but doesn't explain so assumes knowledge for the beginning reader).
I am a complete noob as it comes to audio, and basically, my problem is this: two years ago I bought one of the last Kuro's (KRP-500A). I decided to buy an LX-82 (and an LX-52) to go with it, since the retailer offered a great deal. The Kuro has been used intensively (nice TV ), and so has the LX-52. The LX-82, however, has not been used whatsoever, it has just been standing there for two years, right under the TV, looking all shiny and making me wonder every day 'and what might that machine be capable of'? (This last sentence was meant to make you all laugh
The problem being is: the Pioneer manual appears to be a sort of 'point and click' (if you want this setting, then press this setting). But the bigger picture isn't there. All kinds of terms I have no clue about what they mean, so I have no clue what I am 'tweaking' or what I should be tweaking. I mean it like this: there is no reference model in my head, the foundation of audio. To give an example: I see many people all easily discussing the best setting for a cross-over, but I have no clue what a cross-over is in the first place, so nice that the Pioneer manual says 'if you want to change the cross over', then go this menu, but I am lacking the foundation of it all: the 'audio 101'. Another example: standing waves, ok, my stupid brain (I studied economics, so there you go; point proved
Now, like said, it will take me months to google every word, sift through the sites that don't properly explain it, and then, finally, I will probably end with a list of words with explanations. And then I have to connect all that to something coherent (and pray that I don't make errors due to misunderstandings), to arrive at 'the conceptual, high-level, frame work of audio'. And once I've done that, I can dive into the Pioneer manual, try to understand their settings and how to relate that to the conceptual audio framework. And to do this a little bit more efficienty (the alternative is throwing the LX-82 in the garbage can because I can't spend months on this, there are mouths to feed in this family and I am the choosen one to do that
To give one more example: I studied economics. For sure I can't tell non-economists about how to monitor the beta of a stock market share if I don't lay the foundation first: what stocks are, how the stock market works, how stocks are valued, how to tend to evolve. And including statistics foundations in this matter too. Only then, after I have explained all that, if I have been a good tutorial, the student is ready to understand what 'beta' means in the stock market, and how to interpret and work with it.
I was hoping someone here would perhaps be so (too!) kind to point me in the right direction. I was thinking, I can't be the first one to ask for a document like this, so it has to exist somewhere. But I can't seem to find it.
I'd be in your debt for helping me out, and I really, really, mean that
Thank you in advance,