Pedanticism aside.
Seems to me, you'd have to know my life's experiences to know what I know, as to what's "typical."
Perhaps; but I need only read your post to know if your post supported the claim of "typical" in any way, shape, or form other than to assert it.
Your post did not.
If you have some rigorous data you'd like to present now in support (you know: the kind of quantifiable proof on which Audioholics was founded) I would welcome this information.
Can you direct us to links or examples to where unions have taken a liking to "Scabs?"
We would need to further define the definitions for me to answer the question; but whether I can or not I have no interest in doing so as I have no assertion on the subject to support.
Further: examples would be anecdotal; establishing that it had ever happened but giving no useful data regarding frequency
For example, I could discuss myself as a non-union volunteer at my mother's school when I was a teen: thus proving that in at least one instance non-union assistance was welcomed by a union member at a union location; but it wouldn't interact with your claim of "typical".