Well this is an easy one, for once
head on over to accessories4less.com and get either the excellent
Denon AVR-1712 for a mere $250!
Or the
Denon AVR-1713 for $299
Differences are:
1712 has 7 amp channels, but no AirPlay or Network features.
1713 has 5 amp channels, and includes AirPlay and Network features.
Both include Audyssey MultEQ XT, which I personally think is VERY much worth it over the MultEQ or especially the 2EQ versions included in less models. 2EQ doesn't EQ the bass frequencies at all, which is where you need EQ the most! So I'd avoid 2EQ. MultEQ is ok, but its measurements are fairly coarse. At least MultEQ EQs the bass somewhat though! MultEQ XT is a real step up though. It takes far more measurement points, which leads to more accurate room correction, and siginificantly better EQ in the all important bass. It's really worth while to get MultEQ XT, IMO.
Strangely, the 1912 and 1913 take a step backwards to MultEQ, so I really feel the 17xx models are the better buy. Last year, the 1912 added AirPlay and Network features over the 1712, but dropped down to MultEQ. This year, the 1913 adds two more amp channels (7 total vs. the 1713's 5), but drops down to MultEQ.
So, which is more useful to you? 2 extra amp channels (which you CAN use to power a Zone 2 if you want to), $50 less expensive, but no AirPlay or Network features? Or 5 amp channels only, $50 more expensive, but includes AirPlay and Network?
Either way, you can get all the features and inputs you need for well within your budget
And do NOT worry even for a second about the "refurbished" label on the accessories4less products. A4L is the fully authorized "refurbished" online retailer for Denon, Marantz and Onkyo. You get a full 1 year warranty - no 90 day BS. And the products are often literally brand new and merely being cleared out of inventory. Some have been used and refurbished. But a lot are honestly brand new. Regardless, this is easily the best way to get a great price on a great AV Receiver!
Hope that helps!