The Avengers Blu-ray



Audioholic Slumlord
Every time I've been with Cindy Crawford, I'm concentrating on "please don't wake up, please don't wake up... Aww... Damn."
At first I thought, "Oh wow, this guy knows Cindy Crawford!" :eek: :D


Audioholic Jedi
My favorite scene was when the Hulk punches Thor....just 'cause!:D
Puny God was good, but I thought the Thor punch was the funniest thing too. Downey again had some of the best one liners though: "Clinch up Legolas" and "You do have a nice swing Point Break." LMAO!

It started to degrade into a video game there during the final battle; actually in a few scenes I think they were channeling the 1980 Flash Gordon for a bit there LOL.

Overall I thought it was pretty good. Not as good as Iron Man movies, or Captain America, but good.
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Audioholic Spartan
This is a fun movie, not an audio showcase. I don't think most people buying it really care.

So, sit back, tweak the volume if you wish, and enjoy it for what it is.

I swear, youse geeks would concentrate on her mole if you were with Cindy Crawford.
Mole? What mole?


Audioholic General
I think the relative lack of rumble is one of the things that made this less exciting when I watched it last night. Thor had some really good bass, and I was expecting at least the equivalent.

It's not like it doesn't have any...but it's not enough to make it one of those "hey, you've got to hear THIS" kind of movies.
Thor had stupid bass. It was like Transformers bass.

Avengers was along the lines of Iron Man. It definitely had more bass than Captain America though.

Add me to the list of those wanting ScarJo to have her own film. :p

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