Official YouTube Thread



Audioholic Jedi
I made it about three minutes before I couldn't take any more. Just the video was making me nervous. :eek:

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Audioholic Jedi
This thing is long at 14 minutes, but I gotta say - it kept me interested the whole time. It takes about 1.5 minutes to pick up the pace, and I think it's worth watching full screen. Ignorantly, I thought that most nuclear tests were over by the time that I was born in the early 70's. Ummm, nope.

After watching this, I kinda wonder if where I live was a wasteland before the 40's. :eek: :D

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Audioholic Jedi

This animated flight through the universe was made by Miguel Aragon of Johns Hopkins University with Mark Subbarao of the Adler Planetarium and Alex Szalay of Johns Hopkins. There are close to 400,000 galaxies in the animation, with images of the actual galaxies in these positions (or in some cases their near cousins in type) derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. Vast as this slice of the universe seems, its most distant reach is to redshift 0.1, corresponding to roughly 1.3 billion light years from Earth. SDSS Data Release 9 from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), led by Berkeley Lab scientists, includes spectroscopic data for well over half a million galaxies at redshifts up to 0.8 -- roughly 7 billion light years distant -- and over a hundred thousand quasars to redshift 3.0 and beyond.

For more information about BOSS and the latest data release, go to The First Public Data Release from BOSS, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey « Berkeley Lab News Center.
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Audioholic Spartan
Most awesome, "What the hell?" face on a baby ever!

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Audioholic Slumlord
Hate Your Job ... ?!

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Audioholic Jedi
Gangnam Style has gotten out of hand, but this one is actually pretty good.

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