Interesting experience a few minutes ago.
Part of life in the suburbs is door to door salesmen and "missionaries". Typically, unless I'm expecting someone, I won't bother answering the door, and normally they'll ring the doorbell once, wait for about ten seconds, and then head to the next house. I've also got a dog who likes to bark at the door, and while his bark tends to be worse than his bite, he at least sounds reasonably intimidating: he's struck fear into some pretty big delivery guys before.
So a guy and a girl (who appear to be in the latter category of door to door missionaries) ring the doorbell, and my dog gives them a few barks while the wife and I are in the basement. Whatever. Wife says to go see who it is, just in case, OK. So while I'm up there, these a-holes decide to try the barks some more. Then they sit there on my front door step for another couple minutes as if I'm just going to pop out and say "hello, sorry about the wait

". WTF is wrong with these people?