Funny, I help quite a few newbies.
You shouldn't post in the "Beginner and Audiophytes" section, you clearly are so smart it is beneath you. Maybe you could start your own forum?
You could call it "Stereo's for Dickheads"
Geez, I was polite and you've been rude.
Most of them know how to phrase a question to say what they mean or at least know when they don't know what they are saying and man up to it.
You asked a question: "My Yamaha has a Zone 2 feature I might be able to use but I wondered if there was a simpler way?"
You imply that you read up on zone two and wanted a simpler method.
I say not unless you go with two separate systems.
You then rejoinder with "Thanks for the reply, so you don't think zone 2 would work?" and other stuff that didn't seem to logically follow.
WTF??? Where did I say that? Did you even read what you asked in your first post??? I think not!!!
But, still trying to understand your convoluted writing , I offer the following:
"I just answered your question if there was a simpler way to accomplish this. I can't think of a simpler way. If you have to plug and unplug speakers to use zone 2, you're doing something wrong.
the only downside to "zones" on receivers is that many don't pass digital sources. Red/white analog sources, yes, but not a digital input."
Now, how much nicer could I be? I can't read minds. then you get all snippy. Look, if your writing skills are so poor that you can't put your thoughts into words, that's your problem, not mine. Perhaps you should have your kids write your questions for you, assuming you can clearly verbalize your thoughts to them.
But, don't worry. You won't have to worry about me bothering you again.
But, if they do implement a forum named "Stereo's for Dickheads", we'll move your thread in there to make sure you'll be the first one.