Damn, ziegl. You took the words right out of my mouth! What am I supposed to write now? lol
Yeah, I still haven't heard the new Pioneer speakers for myself. But a lot of the people I trust are really impressed with them. And I know their pedigree. So I have no doubts about them at all, really. So nice to have another great option in addition to the Infinity Primus speakers for the very low price range! Pioneer is going to sell a TON of those speakers, methinks!
I LOVE the accessories4less deal on the Denon 1712. HUGE value there. And I actually like the 1712 better than the newer 1713 or either of the 1912/1913 models. That's just because I'm a fan of Audyssey though

Having Audyssey MultEQ XT is just unheard of at the 1712's price. A real anomaly that sadly went away this year. The 1912 does offer AirPlay and network features for only $50 more. But it drops down to Audyssey MultEQ, which is pretty darn basic and doesn't EQ the all-important bass nearly as well as I'd like. Still better than 2EQ though, which doesn't EQ the bass at all!
But yeah, given the 1712's low price from A4L, I much prefer to get that receiver, and then just add an AppleTV or some other set top box streaming device for all the network stuff and AirPlay. Way better value in a combo like that, IMO
So yeah, I've gotta agree 100% with ziegl's suggested system there! That's the best system you can get for the lowest price possible. I love all the products that ImcLoud recommended, too! But the price goes up for those. I will say that I truly feel the Ascend HTM-200SE are the best, small, relatively inexpensive speakers out there at the moment. The SE tweeter in them is LEAGUES above the price competition. But if you've gotta stay under $1000, and you'd honestly prefer to stay as FAR under $1000 as you can, you really can't beat the exact system that zieglj01 provided.
Best of luck! And please come back and tell us what you decided to buy and how you like it! So many people just disappear and never come back to share their experience

So I hope that won't be you, and I hope you really enjoy your new sound system! I think you'll love it