Have 2 subs, which one should i keep?



Audioholic Intern
I joined awhile back and read a bunch and ended up buying a hsu STF1
STF-1 Subwoofer
subwoofer for my main tv/stereo room. I just bought an Aperion audio set like this one (intimus 5B harmony)
Intimus 5B Harmony SD - All Pre-Configured Systems - Home Theater Systems - Aperion Audio

but mine came with a set of towers like this (Intimus 5T towers)

Intimus 5T Tower Speaker - Towers - speakers by type - Aperion Audio

I just rcvd the set, it came with a Bravus IIa 8D Powered Subwoofer


It seemed like a really good deal, $1300 for the whole thing delivered. my question is which sub would you keep in the main room. I really dont have room for two subs or i would go that route. I already have a sub in the basement so i will be moving that one to the garage (an old cerwin vega sub) and putting the extra one in the basement. Thanks for any advice.


Tough one. The Aperion would appear to have better specs with a single 8" woofer and dual 8" passives versus the single 8" in the HSU, and the Aperion has double the amplification.

Having said that, the HSU is twice the volume of the Aperion. But I don't know that the Aperion sub has been professionally reviewed.

Why not try each in your room individually and play back some test scenes at the same SPL levels and see which performs better?


Audioholic Samurai
I think I would have to ask myself if there would be any chance of recovering enough money from the sale of the HSU to make it worthwhile to get rid of it, obviously the Aperion came in a set so that would have to be sold as well correct? What could you get, is anything better than nothing or do you just keep them both, why not add two to your basement setup, they don't have to match to run two, and you will become a true basshead as the basement theater rumbles through every action packed movie scene :D


Audioholic Jedi
Sell both and get a one bad a$$ sub :D
Hee, hee. That cracked me up! :D

As for the OP, have you had a chance to try out both, yet? I'd hook them up individually, run any calibration that you normally do, and then see which one you like the best (sound, looks, whatever). Sorry that I can't give any advice other than that, as I haven't ever used either sub.

Btw, congrats on the new Aperions!

EDIT: Oops, just registered that I said the same thing as Steve. :eek: I think it's a good way to go.

Why not try each in your room individually and play back some test scenes at the same SPL levels and see which performs better?


Audioholic Intern
thanks...guess i should have just gone with the obvious answer that you guys pointed out...trying them. i just did, even though the aperion speaker is 2" bigger and the built in amp is 150 more watts, the hsu sounds better and cleaner when turned up to my untrained ear. thanks for the advice guys.:)


Audioholic Jedi
Your impression doesn't shock me. I've always read good things about Hsu subs, but my recollection of reviews that I've seen (and heard - my friend owns some) of Aperion are that the speakers are awesome, but the subs are so-so. My memory could be failing me, though.

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