I call it my living room! This is what it looks like in my house right now:
About a year ago I said to myself "ya know, I want to see what it's like to evaluate subwoofers". Seemed harmless enough at the time, but I should have known better; between my inherent tenacity, and being type A to begin with, this is how it turned out. That's not all of them either; I have three others boxed up waiting for call tags so I can send them back. For those counting that's an even dozen subwoofers, and that doesn't include the ones I've already reviewed and sent back. Well, sort of; three of them in the picture I have reviewed, two of which I now own. I also own a third sub, which is among them as well, but I'm not telling which it is. Yup, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
And before anyone asks... no, my living room is not where I store them. I have a spare bedroom that I use as a staging area, but it was too small for me to line up that many subwoofers and get a picture - I just couldn't back up far enough.
So how about a little contest? Think you know your subwoofers? Can you guess what they are? See if you can at least get all the manufacturers, or if you're feeling brave go for the model too. Betcha no one gets every one of them...
Front Row (left to right)
Back Row (left to right)