The room itself is 17' wide and 40' deep and the distance from couch to tv is 14'.
Holy caverns Batman! It sounds like you live in a bowling alley
. The truth is, bookshelves, even good ones, will likley NEVER fill that kind of space properly. I say go look at some of the matching Infinity towers in the same clerance and refurb sections ... of course that would mean a hit to the budget, but I think we were well under your 1K limit anyway. The fact we are now talking about towers opens many new doors, but your budget becomes the limiting factor. We still need to get you into some quality components.
Try these. You COULD go with the smaller P253BK, but I think you will want to step up to the P363BK for a room that size.
Harman Audio - P253BK
The above is a 2-way speaker, only carrying 2 woofers and a tweeter. It is only really one step above the bookshelves I posted and while it will produce a larger sound, it will not likley sonically produce a sound you are pleased with. It will be trying awful hard and pushed to it's limits. For 160 bones though, you can go too far wrong.
I think this is a better fit:
Harman Audio - P363BK
It is a 3-way speaker and not only does it carry the extra needed midrange driver, it has larger woofers as well. It does justify the higher $231 price tag.
If possible it should be paired withthe larger of the 2 centers I posted originally.
Edit: How do I know where ports are on speakers?
The "ports" are where the open holes are. You can read up on the trade offs between ported versus sealed designs elsewhere on the site. The sub I pointed you to will not be beaten at twice the price IMHO, but it is ported at the REAR. It will not likley do well in an enclosed space. You can either:
A) look for another spot to "hide it" in the room
B) pay more for a different but equally performing sub
Let's see ...
*** sharpens pencil ***
193 (center)
462 (mains 231 X2)
199 (sub)
230 (receiver)
If you opt into the Onkyo as opposed to the Denon it would save you roughly 40 bucks. If it were my money, I would spend the extra 84 bones and listen to the wife whine until she got her first taste of a movie on the new system
(in other words, I prefer Denon electronics).