My introduction and request for help thread!


fl guy

Hi guys,

New to the forum. I stumbled across it looking for some information. My name is Jimmy and it is a pleasure to (sort of) meet you all.

Here is my predicament.
My dad had handed me down a B&K AVR 202 receiver. I have been using it for years and LOVE it. Unfortunately there was a nasty thunderstorm down here and it is in rough shape EVEN THOUGH it was plugged into a Monster Cable home theater Power Source. Fortunately my TV and speakers were spared but the B&K and my XBOX fell victim. The receiver draws power, but the screen does not come on and no sound comes from the outputs. I can hook up a theater fine, but know nothing about circuitry. Any suggestions on what I could look for/do? I have already replaced the main fuse with no luck. This is option 1, try to fix it.

Option 2: Buy a new receiver. Now, I have grown very used to the quality audio that the B&K puts out. I haven't used it for video as there are no HD inputs. I am not hurt by that. My biggest concern is that I will be let down by the sound quality of another receiver that is in my price range (400-600). I don't mind buying second hand if the need be. I did see a Marantz SR6006 at my local best buy as an open box for a great price. I am considering jumping on it. However, before I make a move I want to know if I will be disappointed by the quality of any receiver I can afford or find the best available in my price range. The whole internet connectivity and app controlability is not my biggest concern.

Right now I am running 2 main and 1 center speaker. The mains are B&W 605 S2 and the center is a B&W but the model number escapes me. Maybe I can get away with a lower powered receiver as the speakers are self powered? Looking for some help from the masters!

Any input is greatly appreciated and thank you all in advance.



Audioholic Warlord
Your first mistake: Monster products


Audioholic Jedi
Nothing can guarantee protection from lightning except unplugging it.

The 202 is no more powerful than something like the SR6006. Are you going to be disappointed? If that's what you expect, then probably. You won't get something that sounds exactly like the B&K, but I don't think you will be disappointed with current offerings in your price range.

The specs I found list the 605s as being 8 Ohm and 91dB sensitivity, so I'd say unless you have a very large space to fill, you don't need a ton of power.


Audioholic Warlord
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this may be untrue. Monster products are grossly over-priced, but I don't generally think they're badly made products.
You nailed it. Not bad, but better is out there for the price. Mostly, just giving you a hard time :D

Jeff R.

Audioholic General
Check out www. Great place to pick up receivers at a great price.

fl guy

Thanks guys for the help. I will definitely bee looking around and doing some research before I jump into something. I may even try to get this one repaired if it can be done for a reasonable price. For the time being a friend of mine has a Sony I'll use so at least my speakers aren't sitting in my office going to waste!


Seriously, I have no life.
Yeah exactly. I figured as much :D
And, we don't like their business practices of suing unrelated businesses just because they have "monster" someplace in their name.;)

fl guy

Hey all,

Thanks for all the insight! I picked up an older Denon AVR-2106 for $100 from a friend. Just hooked it up tonight and it sounds decent. Def. better than nothing! It should hold me over till I can find something great. These speakers are very tough to make sound bad! I am pretty pleased with it. Definately not the B&K but for $100 I couldn't really go wrong. Still open to options under $1,000 both new or used. Thanks again!!!

P.S. I am also in the market for a power supply, whats good out there? I have been out of the home theater market for some time now.


fl guy

Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately, thats about 2.5 hrs north of me. I am in Estero/Fort Myers. sounds like a great time but doubt I will be able to make it. I am def. interested in a gtg though a little more around my area.




Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately, thats about 2.5 hrs north of me. I am in Estero/Fort Myers. sounds like a great time but doubt I will be able to make it. I am def. interested in a gtg though a little more around my area.


Sorry, but that's about as close as we get to your area. We've had three GTG's over here in Brevard County in the past. I've had people from Tampa, Broward County, Daytona Beach and the Jacksonville area show to our events bringing their gear.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately, thats about 2.5 hrs north of me. I am in Estero/Fort Myers. sounds like a great time but doubt I will be able to make it. I am def. interested in a gtg though a little more around my area.


Have you looked into repairing the B&K?
Funny that you've mentioned the 2.5hr ride.
Initially we were going to fly into Fort Myers and drive up to the GTG.
Plans changed, so now we're flying into Tampa.

fl guy

Yeah, its not even so much the drive that I can't do but that is right in the beginning of season for my business and I will have just gotten back from taking a week off for a vacation. It definitely sounds like a good time and something I will consider in the future if it works out a little better.


Yeah, its not even so much the drive that I can't do but that is right in the beginning of season for my business and I will have just gotten back from taking a week off for a vacation. It definitely sounds like a good time and something I will consider in the future if it works out a little better.
Well, if you can swing by on the Saturday it would be worth your time.


Audioholic Slumlord

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