Well, I started out on what I thought would be about an hour installation of an AVR-790 with ONKYO set of speakers and that was at 9:00 p.m. and here it is 4:00 in the morning and I'm ready to set fire to the entire world. Nothing is working on this thing, please allow me to provide you with my story and please look past my frustration level.
I set up the speakers correctly for a 7.1 setting per the installation manual which isn't clear about anything. I powered the AVR on and everything worked fine for about 5 minutes and then it just stopped. The connections were PS3 ==> (HDMI) ==> Samsung television and Sumsung ==> (RCA, L and R) ==> Denon. Everything powered up fine, sounded great and then stopped and I noticed that the subwoofter has a red light instead of a green light. I can't get any sound through any of the speakers and on top of that I can't get the manual setup menu to appear on the TV. Now I know what might be said about formatting but I even changed some cabling around to where I was PS3 => Denon => TV all done by HDMI annnnd nothing.
I have read over the manual time and time again and I just can't get this reciever to do anything so I'd like someone to give me the basics, lets start with the TV menu, why am I unable to see anything populate on the screen? I can't even see the HDMI channel listed as being a usable input on the the source input and I got a feeling per the manual (which is clear as mud) that I can't do the manual set up without that screen because the receiver LED screen only displays the menu you're on.
I have all the cabling required to make any changes needed, as I said she fired up just fine and then nothing. I have reconnected speaker wires about 4 times just checking to make sure that the protection isn't stopping me, there isn't anything on the display that states any trouble per the troubleshooting manual.
Steps I've taken:
I've reset the processor
reconnected cables
attempted manual setup trying to follow the manual
Everything is just failing and I am so pissed off at this thing right now I can't see straight.
I'll check back in about an hour to see if anything is posted.