Outlaw amp model 7900



Junior Audioholic
Hey Guys:

I was reading another thread about Outlaw subs and went to look at the Outlaw web site. HAS anyone heard or better yet anyone have the Outlaw model 7900 amp. I no nothing about Outlaw products. This amp looks like a monster ! Is it just that, a monster without any grace of proformance. Or is this answer for people that want alot of seperate power for excellent hT and stunning music?


sure would like to here from any outlaw amp users?


Audioholic Chief
I have an Outlaw 770 amp and it is a very good product. I would imagine that the 7900 amp is even better. It weighs 145 lbs. It's made by ATI for Outlaw Audio. I think it is the same amp as the high dollar Lexicon. I don't need as much power as the 7900 delivers. But if I were rich like Mike C or Majorloser,I'd buy one! I'm pretty sure it's a kick ars amp!!:)
Hey Guys:

I was reading another thread about Outlaw subs and went to look at the Outlaw web site. HAS anyone heard or better yet anyone have the Outlaw model 7900 amp. I no nothing about Outlaw products. This amp looks like a monster ! Is it just that, a monster without any grace of proformance. Or is this answer for people that want alot of seperate power for excellent hT and stunning music?


sure would like to here from any outlaw amp users?


Audioholic Intern
I am looking at the 7900 as well to replace a HK 7300 which has been misbehaving at least once a year by maximizing its volume against my wishes. I almost had to change my underwear last month when I and my wife were watching LOTR and all of a sudden in the middle of a major skirmish, the volume maxed out and I had to scramble for the remote. It continued to do this all night every couple of seconds to the point that we had to give up and wait. I tried again the next day and it did it a few times, since then it stopped again.

It comes with a Sherwood AVR and I was wondering if this Sherwood is decent or should I also go for a different pre/pro that is capable of the HD codecs? Also, is there really a difference in the HD audio....or is it just a bunch of hooey? I have found several articles that indicates there isn't much of a difference, but I'd like to hear from "real" people. :D

We mainly use it for movies...but enjoy listening to soft music while kicking back and relaxing after a hard day.
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Audioholic Intern


Outlaw Model 7900

I replaced my 2 year old Anthem A5 with an Outlaw Model 7900 this past Spring. (I won the Outlaw in an on-line sweepstakes.)

Before the Outlaw arrived I installed an additional 15 amp circuit breaker because, unlike the ATI 3000, which requires a single 20 amp circuit, it requires 2 separate power cords plugged into 2 separate 15 amp circuits! The 7900 is built to Outlaw's specifications by ATI. I also am using 2 APC AV S15 power conditioner/battery backup devices. Yes, I bought a second one just for this 145lb behemoth.

I'm using the amp to power a 5.1 theater system in my main theater room and using the other 2 channels to power a second zone. All connections to the amp are XLR balanced interconnects from a Marantz AV8003 pre/pro. Speakers are all Paradigm Reference Studio, 100 v3 FL/FR, ADP surrounds, CC center, and Servo 15 sub.

I didn't do any critical listening for 3 weeks. Instead, I watched a lot of movies. The sand storm from the first 'Mummy' movie with Brandon Frazier was absolutely scary. The sound of the wind driving the sand creeps up from behind and then overwhelms you and anyone else in the room. The beans and drum scene from 'House of Flying Daggers' was recreated with such realism that you felt like you were in the center of the ring of drums. The 7900 reproduced this scene flawlessly. Blu-Ray movie sound tracks were reproduced every bit as effectively as was with the Anthem A5 amp. Maybe a tad better at reproducing dialog. A friend came by one night while I was watching 'Batman Begins'. When the movie ended he exclaimed, "Wow! I've seen that movie a half dozen times and I don't remember it being so good!"

When I felt that the amp had enough 'burn in' time I switched from the Oppo BDP 83 to the Marantz DV9600 for some music. The Oppo does a great job with DVD and Blu-Ray, but lacks the analog connections and superior DACs of the Marantz. footnote: I really want to do an A/B comparison of the DV9600 with the BDP 95.

When listening to 2-channel music, I always put the pre/pro in pure direct mode which bypasses tone controls and all digital processing. The Servo 15 is eschewed also.

While the comparison with the Anthem rig for movies was a close call, the Outlaw was clearly superior for music. Immediately I noticed far greater control of the mid to deep bass. (Quicker maybe?) Mid range was off the charts good. Norah Jones' voice and piano on 'Come Away With Me' was the best I've heard it sound in any system I've owned. The music sounds denser. More real. The Paradigms now sound really good at low to mid volume. I don't have to turn the volume up as much as before to get the woofers to 'sing'.

Its 300 watts per channel. OK? To say that this thing rocks the house is a gross understatement, I don't care what you throw at it, nothing trips it up. The most complex drum passages are reproduced with a clarity I've never heard. Move over Krell, Outlaw is here! This amp goes to 11 with head room to spare. It reproduces every subtle nuance contained in the recording. Brushed symbols, hushed vocals, piano decays, etc. It sounds polite and petite until you drop in some Ted Nugent and it becomes a monster!

I spent, what is for me, an extravagant amount of money on the Anthem amplifier. I auditioned Rotel, Bryston, Adcom, Krell and others before settling on the Anthem. I'm damned proud of it. I figured that there was no way that this upstart Outlaw could possibly hang with it. I was even hoping that it wouldn't. I was wrong! It doesn't just hang with it; It leaves it in the dust! If I have one minor quibble, it would be that stereo imaging is not quit as good as with the Anthem. But that little quibble is completely overshadowed by the Outlaw's ability to make these Paradigm speakers sound incredibly good. The way this thing brings out the full potential hiding in those speakers just brings a big ol' grin to my face every time I turn it on.


Audioholic Jedi
Outlaw 300wpc amps should be great.........just their 300wpc cousins from Mark Levinson, Lexicon, JBL, Theta, Cary, B&K, and ATI.


Audioholic Warlord
The Paradigms now sound really good at low to mid volume. I don't have to turn the volume up as much as before to get the woofers to 'sing'.
Did you level match? Or do they just play louder (more gain) at the same volume setting?

ADTG, you're slipping, usually your're the one asking that :)


Using a radio shack sound level meter, I noted where the volume is set when I get 90 db from my listening position. With the Anthem it was -10. The Outlaw -17. Those are volume readings from the front panel of the AV8003. At equal sound pressure levels the Outlaw has more presence. Music sounds fuller. The Outlaw just seems to have more control of the speaker's woofers. I think it may have something to do with the speed of the amplifier and possibly damping levels. With the Anthem I would need to turn up the volume before the mid bass leveled with the slightly higher frequencies. The Outlaw just seems flatter across the frequencies regardless of volume.

Something I didn't mention before is the auto on/off feature. When turning the AV8003 off the Anthem would shut down after 20 minutes of inactivity. The Outlaw shuts down immediately when I turn the pre/pro off. The Anthem detects an audio signal to determine when to power up and down. The Outlaw relies solely on the 12v signal coming from the pre/pro.


Audioholic Jedi
I get 90 db from my listening position. With the Anthem it was -10. The Outlaw -17.
Wow, assuming the speaker channel levels were the same on the Marantz pre-pro, that is a huge difference.

The voltage gain on the Anthem is 29dB and on the Outlaw is 28dB (both balanced & unbalanced).

So if the speaker channel levels are exactly the same on the Marantz, I would expect the Anthem to sound louder @ the exact master volume setting.

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