if we minded getting asked the same questions over and over, we either
A) wouldn't be here or
B) just ignore the those questions
What receiver do you have. You have to have a receiver or pre-amp to plug the speakers into, first of all. An amplifier comes only after you have a pre-amp or receiver, and then only if you are power deficient during your normal listening.
Sounds like you shouldn't be worrying about an amplifier at all just yet. Just get a good capable receiver and you shouldn't run out of power unless you're trying to blow your roof off. By the sounds of it, watching tv and running computer audio, all you'll need is a half decent receiver.
Since those speakers are pretty cheap/low end, you're more or less not going to be able to abide by the general rule of thumb, which is that electronics shouldn't be more than 10-20% of the total budget. At this point, you're looking at electronics being 50% or more.
I would go to accessories for less and look at some stuff there
for instance