Greetings, wurmng!
Speakers are a very personal thing, and as the greatest determinants of what you hear, you should try to get your ears on some things prior to purchase.
That being said, check out
Audio Engine as a prime example of just about exactly what you need. They are a well thought out balance of good looks (bamboo cabs are rather nice looking), versatility (remote control volume, variable sub pre-outs for when you add a powered sub or two, built in amps, ease of use), and decent sonics. They are within your budget (looks like ~$400 for black, ~$470 for bamboo).
Another option would be something like the
JBL2328, which are going for $350 from Guitar Center and similar retailers right now. Unfortunately, they only come in black and lack some of the convenience features of the Sound Anchors. These speakers have top notch performance for the price.
Go out and audition some of these. Don't overlook your local musicians/pro-audio retailer, as they carry these and many others.