I have the extremely lucky opportunity to test the Funkywaves TSAD18 vs the LMS5400 sub, both using the extensively braced FW18.0 cabinet custom made to your wishes.
Thanks Nathan from Funkaudio/Funkywaves for this opportunity.
I will start off with this initial piece, and provide additional comments as I continue testing these subs.
As you see the FW18.0 comes very well packaged, foam, wrapping, wood panels and a thick cardboard box keep this in good shape during shipping. Opening the box and removing the subwoofer reassures that this is a premium product and by no means a typical subwoofer. A helper to unpack and carry this is HIGHLY recommended. Having the LMS5400 from funkaudio did not dull the experience of unpacking a second one of these. Veneer was as specified in a nice jet black color (yes not very original, but I love it) dark enough to be black but light enough to still see the grains in the veneer.
Test System
Let me start by presenting my system.
Paradigm S8 main channels, FW18.0 (lms 5400) sub on left, FW18.0 (TSAD18) sub on right.
Behringer EP4000 on sub duty, bridged and switching between the two subs, also testing them together unbriged with this amp.
QSC CX404 as main channel amp
Integra DHC 80.2 Preamp
Behringer DCX 2496 adding EQ as desired (had about +13db at 20hz with a second order , to counter the roll off of the LMS5400 in a sealed cabinet).
Belkin PF60 power center (mainly bought to use as delayed start from preamp DC trigger)
Initial Impressions
Upon placing this sub in its position i was immediately surprised at the weight difference between the TSAD and the LMS (50 pounds difference!). The TSAD is a considerably lighter driver, especially when compared directly to the LMS. After placing the TSAD I sat down on the couch just to take it in, and was immediately struck with the attractiveness of the carbon fiber on such a large driver. A gentle push on the driver showed me that the woofer is surprisingly stiff, the LMS almost feels sloppy when beside the TSAD. I was actually concerned about the travel of this driver because the thing feels like it shouldn’t move much.
Digging through my FLAC collection resulted in me choosing my first album for this.
Daft Punk: Tron soundtrack and cranking the EP4000 up allowed me to become fully engrossed in this. I’ve heard this on my LMS, so I had a reference point, I honestly thought these two drivers would sound very similar - I was mistaken. The LMS seems to have a bit more bass lower, but the TSAD has more higher up, and when I say “higher” i mean 40hz. I asked myself, if its lower is it better? The meat of most music is above 40hz, which the TSAD appears to excel on this soundtrack. Using both subs side by side, i was adjusting the channels again to my surprise it sounded like the LMS was “slower” than the TSAD, almost like the LMS is dragging the music out, this gives me the impression that the TSAD is a bit more “true to the source”
**More to be added over the next few days/weeks, I have been very busy with work. If anyone has questions i can try answer them.**
*In place*