DIY design concept question



Let me preface this - I am a total DIY noob. I don't know much about sub design either. I know I like my SVS for its flat response and low extension, but thats about it.

I had an idea the other day when thinking about my SVS PC-12NSD. I've got a strip of space in my living room on the floor in between the back wall and my couch (my listening position). I was wondering, if I built or had somebody build a custom sonotube sub with say, an 8 or 10 inch driver, given it could be as long as the couch if need be, what kind of results would I get?

Basically, I live in a townhouse that is 1600 square ft. My room is open to the entire house without any way of closing it off. I'm curious if there is a way to improve bass response for HT, especially deep bass response by building such an animal and putting it on its side behind the couch. Would this work?


Audioholic Jedi
It would work fine if properly designed. Being closer, it would require less performance to give you decent impact, however moving your SVS closer would do the same thing. And if the performance of that one wasn't quite up to the SVS's level, it might harm your sound more than help. Using two different subs in the system with one laying on the floor like that might make calibration a little more difficult too.

If you want more performance in the same footprint, perhaps sell the PC and get a PC Plus or add a second PC if space isn't an issue, since what you are asking is to be able to move more air in a large space.


I would recommend testing the location first before you sink any time, effort, or money into your project.

Place your current sub in that location and see how it sounds. If you can live with the results, then consider some options.

One thing I will say is that unless you are planning to spend a pretty good chunk of change on the woofer and amplifier (think JL Audio W7 level in a 10" woofer) you will not equal what you currently have. This is mainly due to a reduction in woofer size as well as some compromises presented with tube style enclosures (venting limitations and placement) Your current sub is a pretty well designed unit and has proven through reviews to be a good performer.

Not trying to discourage you but set your expectation levels.


So it sounds like regardless of enclosure size and power, a sonotube sub with a 10" or smaller driver is not going to perform up to the standards of my current sub. Looks like a pressured room isn't happening until I move to a different place that isn't entirely an open floor plan.


Audioholic Jedi
Yes pretty much to get the same level of performance, you will end up spending as much or more on a custom build to get that performance out of a smaller diameter sub. In the same exact size as what you have now, a Plus version of your sub would more or less double your output.


So it sounds like regardless of enclosure size and power, a sonotube sub with a 10" or smaller driver is not going to perform up to the standards of my current sub. Looks like a pressured room isn't happening until I move to a different place that isn't entirely an open floor plan.
Let me level set here, if you were to go with a 10W7 caliber driver, you would at least equal current performance and probably exceed it if minimal compromises could be made in the design to ensure you get the most from the driver. A 10W7 will be on par with many conventionally designed 15" drivers due to its high amount of linear excursion, motor linearity, and phenomenally low power compression. You would want about 500-700 watts of clean power on hand for a driver of this sort.

What I am saying here is you can equal or exceed your current woofer's performance by dropping down in woofer size but will need to make up for it with linear Xmax on the woofer you choose and careful enclosure design. It just won't be inexpensive.


This being the case I may resort to trying this later on down the line if I am stuck with this listening room longer term. That or convince the wife we need a new end table. Thanks guys for the informative responses.

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