I have an onkyo pr-sc886 pre pro and I am trying to decide on some amps for either a 5.1 or 7.1 setup.
My room is approx 14x20x8 feet
I have polk audio R30 for mains and R15 for the center and the rest. I have a hsu vtf-3 mk2 sub.
I have tried the spl calculator from
Peak SPL Calculator
and I will post the results
I am trying to stay below 850.00 USD
So my options are
outlaw audio refurb 7075 spl 98.1
outlaw audio refurb 7125 spl 100.3
emotiva xpa-5 (only gives me a 5.1 as I am out of funds spl 102.3
emotiva xpa-200 spl 100.3 and xpa-500 spl 98.6
SO what is the best options. It seems that It will only play between 98 and 102 spl. (Hardly any difference 4db)
Emotiva email support recommends the xpa-5
Outlaw email recommends the the 7125.
I would like the best option. But it seems the cheaper options play almost as loud so I do not want to waste my money.
7075 approx $600.00
7125 approx $850.00
xpa-5 approx $810.00
xpa-200+xpa-500 approx $675.00
So what is peoples thoughts here??
I would like something that will futureproof me if I move as well.
Many thanks to anyone who answers