Official YouTube Thread



Audioholic Slumlord
They were talking about this kid on the radio this morning. Cool voice. Hopefully his story isn't BS like that guy from the military. :mad:
Who's the BSes from military? Linky please - I don't watch these shows on regular basis, I do believe however - they must have to pre-screen these people before allowing on national tv and having very short running time (relatively) - so - he must have sang to pre-screening judges before.


Audioholic Slumlord
The Manslater: (Woman Language Translator)

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Audioholic Spartan
Who's the BSes from military? Linky please - I don't watch these shows on regular basis, I do believe however - they must have to pre-screen these people before allowing on national tv and having very short running time (relatively) - so - he must have sang to pre-screening judges before.
I'll have to look for it but apparently there was a guy that served in the military and said he was in Afghanistan and was injured by an IED. "I thought I wasn't going to see my kids again", blah, blah, blah. Turns out he was never in any combat.

Edit: Here you go.


Audioholic Jedi
Crazy. Those must be some serious brakes to just make the bike flip like that. But why the hell was the guy running so hard on his front brake? Seems like that's just asking for trouble.
It is a race bike! Even most street sport bikes probably have brakes good enough to do that.

(presumably Asian) female driver spectacular fail.

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Senior Audioholic
I'm not a huge fan of the whole flash mob scene, but this one I thought was pretty darn cool. Its classical music, Onkyo posted it on FB, turn it up.

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Audioholic Spartan
My new favorite athlete!

Almost time for the Olympics! Can't wait.
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Audioholic Jedi
Don't really care about the Olympics, but I saw that vid earlier and really like her too :D


Audioholic Spartan
Robots falling down. What's funnier than that?

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Audioholic Spartan
Don't really care about the Olympics, but I saw that vid earlier and really like her too :D
Really?!?!? I LOVE the Olympics. Summer more than winter. I guess it comes from my high school track days. I can't imagine what it must be like to win gold and know that you're the best in the world at your sport. Screw Usain Bolt though, I hate that egomaniacal prick.


Audioholic Jedi
Really?!?!? I LOVE the Olympics. Summer more than winter. I guess it comes from my high school track days. I can't imagine what it must be like to win gold and know that you're the best in the world at your sport.
I understand that aspect, but the coverage is just awful. I don't really care about all the damn stories or how people got there, I just want to see the friggin events.

Screw Usain Bolt though, I hate that egomaniacal prick.
That's why it is so funny that Bolt lost not once but twice in the pre-olympic trials this year. PRICELESS.


Audioholic Spartan
I understand that aspect, but the coverage is just awful. I don't really care about all the damn stories or how people got there, I just want to see the friggin events.

That's what drives me nuts. The coverage across the board is dismal. They are just going for the female viewership.


Senior Audioholic
Two Apache helicopter engage Taliban fighters setting up an ambush on US Special Forces patrol in Afghanistan.

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2 Apaches Engage Taliban Platoon |

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