I just remembered I have experience with an amp sounding different.
I bought a Technics SU-V5 Integrated Amp new in '82 for a second room stereo. It is the only amp that I feel certain to sound different from other (good) amps.
I don't remember what I paid, but it wasn't cheap.
I bought it based on the specifications and used it with a pair of EPI Epicure 100 speakers. It never sounded great but it wasn't until I swapped amps that I realized the EPI's were better speakers than I thought and the Technics amp was a POS!
Does anyone see anything in the specs or have any ideas on why this amp couldn't do the job?
Technics /Technics SU-V5
I suppose the amp may have been defective in some way, but I still have it and it was working last time I hooked it up (maybe 2 years ago).