Alright, one divorce and home later, I'm back and ready to do things right!
First things first - Which room? Here are my options:
1) Basement - There is a roughed in room which measures 11'-1' wide by 28'-5" deep by 7'-9" tall. The roughed in wall is load bearing so I am kind of stuck with the 11'-1" width. The length could be anything less than 28'-5". Other factors are one wall is concrete floor is concrete, HVAC flex-duct runs along upper corner in the long direction.
2) Bedroom - 17-9 X 13-7 X 9' high. Door in one corner is at 45° between side & end wall. Also, the bed could interfere with acoustics/listening position.
Which would you use?
I plan on running full range speakers (Philharmonic 3's) in a 2.0 scenario (for music only). Will try analog system first and only add room EQ and/or subs if needed.
Thanks for the help!