Hi --
I'm new to these forums, and I didn't know quite where this request for advice should go. Please bear with me, as I'm pretty much a digital audio dunce.
I'm 63, and have finally taken the HDTV plunge with a 42" Panasonic Viera (TC-L42E50). I also *have a Comcast-leased Scientific Atlanta Explorer 4250C cable box, and a Roku2 XS (Model # 3100R) streaming box, which will be ethernet-connected to my Apple*AirPort Extreme Base Station, which, in turn, is ethernet-connected to a Comcast-leased Motorola SB5100 Surfboard Cable modem. I will be streaming most of what I'll be watching, as Comcast Cable, the monopoly CATV and ISP we're stuck with, wants $65 for their "Digital Starter Package," which contains HD versions of QVS, the Home Shopping Network, Judge Judy, and very little else. I don't know why our only other CATV/ISP option here in the wilderness of the CT shoreline is satellite, but that's strictly an academic discussion not useful here.
This is a 2-part question:
1. I'm trying to incorporate my HDTV, Logitech Harmony 300 multi-remote, AppleTV, and Roku 2 XS, PLUS the answer to question #2, into my home audio system. However, my home audio system isn't exactly 21st century*: I have a long-in-the tooth but aurally fantastic Denon AVR-3000 Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Receiver from sometime in the 90's (and YES, Logitech DOES have the command set for the AVR-3000, which I've already D/L 'd into the Harmony remote), and, as you might expect, its inputs are pretty much (well, COMPLETELY, actually) analog, and the only audio output from the Panasonic TV is optical (the Roku has a composite RCA to 3.5mm A/V cable, but I can't see where THAT's going to do me any good). I want the output to be from the TV, so even when I'm watching the local access channel or HSN's Zirconium Frenzy on Comcrap, I can still have fairly decent sound -- the speakers on the Viera are its weakest feature. I have procured a co-axial/digital optical DAC that's IEC-60958 S/PDIF compatible, and provides (from the TV's optical out through toslink to the RCA audio ins on my Denon receiver) "up to" 24-bit/192kHz analog audio. I don't see how I can get anything better; if anyone here has a more splendid idea (other than mortgaging the house and buying a new receiver -- I'm on a fixed income and couldn't afford anything decent), please let me know.
2. Speaking of something decent, I've been looking on my usual review/search sites -- whathifi from the UK, and Amazon and C|Net US -- and I have yet to find a Blu-ray player that will do what I want, and NOT do what I DON'T want: all I need is very good video, preferably a box that will do a nice, clean job of upconverting regular DVDs, a drive that loads (and stops) fairly quickly and doesn't sound like a 737 on windup, has a good reputation for reliability, and that's about it.
What I DON'T want: 3D -- I've had amblyopia and mild strabismus from birth, my left eye is farsighted, my right eye is nearsighted, and they cannot focus together. As a result, I cannot perceive 3D, not even through Viewmasters or stereopticons. Remember those eye tests they used to have at Motor Vehicles where you had to identify signs and lights through a 3D viewer? I'd look through the right eye, memorize what I'd seen, then look through the left eye, and put the two together in my head. (time out for a public service message): NOTE to bullies, parents, siblings, caretakers, and jailers of bullies: when someone can't hit, kick, head-butt, or catch a ball, it is not at all an indication that he/she is a hopeless klutz; the number of kids (and adults -- I didn't find out about it until I was in my mid-50s) with undiagnosed amblyopia and strabismus, and resultant impaired spatial perception, is very high. So when you don't get picked for the team, don't feel bad, go to an ophthalmic surgeon -- caught early enough, it can easily be corrected. End of public service message.
So, Blu-ray player: no 3D, no Wi-Fi -- I have Wi-Fi and Ethernet A/V connections up the wazoo, all connected, both wired and wireless, to my Airport Airbase Extreme -- no streaming services (the Roku and AppleTV cover that field pretty well), and a reasonable price.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Bart Brown
*my ancient audio system: besides the Denon Receiver, I also have an Adcom GTP pre-amp, modded Hafler DH-200 and Hafler/Rockford-Fosgate Trans•Ana TA-1100 amps, DCM Time Window 1s, Yamaha center channel speaker, radically-modified Micro-Acoustic FRMs in the rear, and a Rega Planar 3 turntable with Linn Basik arm, Orsonics headshell, and some high-end Audio-Technica MM cartridge stylus.
I'm new to these forums, and I didn't know quite where this request for advice should go. Please bear with me, as I'm pretty much a digital audio dunce.
I'm 63, and have finally taken the HDTV plunge with a 42" Panasonic Viera (TC-L42E50). I also *have a Comcast-leased Scientific Atlanta Explorer 4250C cable box, and a Roku2 XS (Model # 3100R) streaming box, which will be ethernet-connected to my Apple*AirPort Extreme Base Station, which, in turn, is ethernet-connected to a Comcast-leased Motorola SB5100 Surfboard Cable modem. I will be streaming most of what I'll be watching, as Comcast Cable, the monopoly CATV and ISP we're stuck with, wants $65 for their "Digital Starter Package," which contains HD versions of QVS, the Home Shopping Network, Judge Judy, and very little else. I don't know why our only other CATV/ISP option here in the wilderness of the CT shoreline is satellite, but that's strictly an academic discussion not useful here.
This is a 2-part question:
1. I'm trying to incorporate my HDTV, Logitech Harmony 300 multi-remote, AppleTV, and Roku 2 XS, PLUS the answer to question #2, into my home audio system. However, my home audio system isn't exactly 21st century*: I have a long-in-the tooth but aurally fantastic Denon AVR-3000 Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Receiver from sometime in the 90's (and YES, Logitech DOES have the command set for the AVR-3000, which I've already D/L 'd into the Harmony remote), and, as you might expect, its inputs are pretty much (well, COMPLETELY, actually) analog, and the only audio output from the Panasonic TV is optical (the Roku has a composite RCA to 3.5mm A/V cable, but I can't see where THAT's going to do me any good). I want the output to be from the TV, so even when I'm watching the local access channel or HSN's Zirconium Frenzy on Comcrap, I can still have fairly decent sound -- the speakers on the Viera are its weakest feature. I have procured a co-axial/digital optical DAC that's IEC-60958 S/PDIF compatible, and provides (from the TV's optical out through toslink to the RCA audio ins on my Denon receiver) "up to" 24-bit/192kHz analog audio. I don't see how I can get anything better; if anyone here has a more splendid idea (other than mortgaging the house and buying a new receiver -- I'm on a fixed income and couldn't afford anything decent), please let me know.
2. Speaking of something decent, I've been looking on my usual review/search sites -- whathifi from the UK, and Amazon and C|Net US -- and I have yet to find a Blu-ray player that will do what I want, and NOT do what I DON'T want: all I need is very good video, preferably a box that will do a nice, clean job of upconverting regular DVDs, a drive that loads (and stops) fairly quickly and doesn't sound like a 737 on windup, has a good reputation for reliability, and that's about it.
What I DON'T want: 3D -- I've had amblyopia and mild strabismus from birth, my left eye is farsighted, my right eye is nearsighted, and they cannot focus together. As a result, I cannot perceive 3D, not even through Viewmasters or stereopticons. Remember those eye tests they used to have at Motor Vehicles where you had to identify signs and lights through a 3D viewer? I'd look through the right eye, memorize what I'd seen, then look through the left eye, and put the two together in my head. (time out for a public service message): NOTE to bullies, parents, siblings, caretakers, and jailers of bullies: when someone can't hit, kick, head-butt, or catch a ball, it is not at all an indication that he/she is a hopeless klutz; the number of kids (and adults -- I didn't find out about it until I was in my mid-50s) with undiagnosed amblyopia and strabismus, and resultant impaired spatial perception, is very high. So when you don't get picked for the team, don't feel bad, go to an ophthalmic surgeon -- caught early enough, it can easily be corrected. End of public service message.
So, Blu-ray player: no 3D, no Wi-Fi -- I have Wi-Fi and Ethernet A/V connections up the wazoo, all connected, both wired and wireless, to my Airport Airbase Extreme -- no streaming services (the Roku and AppleTV cover that field pretty well), and a reasonable price.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Bart Brown
*my ancient audio system: besides the Denon Receiver, I also have an Adcom GTP pre-amp, modded Hafler DH-200 and Hafler/Rockford-Fosgate Trans•Ana TA-1100 amps, DCM Time Window 1s, Yamaha center channel speaker, radically-modified Micro-Acoustic FRMs in the rear, and a Rega Planar 3 turntable with Linn Basik arm, Orsonics headshell, and some high-end Audio-Technica MM cartridge stylus.