Audioholic Overlord
"In the cases Aguilar mentioned, he said the people have all taken their clothing off, been extremely violent with what seemed to be super-human strength, even using their jaws as weapons.
“Extremely strong, I took care of a 150 pound individual who you would have thought he was 250 pounds,” Aguilar said. “It took six security officers to restrain the individual.
Emergency room Doctor Paul Adams agreed with Aguilar saying similar cases have showed up in the ER."
Attention! Attention! Read all about the ZOMBIE ATTACK!!! Coming soon to your local neighborhood.
“Extremely strong, I took care of a 150 pound individual who you would have thought he was 250 pounds,” Aguilar said. “It took six security officers to restrain the individual.
Emergency room Doctor Paul Adams agreed with Aguilar saying similar cases have showed up in the ER."
Attention! Attention! Read all about the ZOMBIE ATTACK!!! Coming soon to your local neighborhood.
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