Hey bud I'm here to help if I can!

but remember that these are guidlines that I'm talking about & nothing is in stone. If co-locating is not for you then by all means take another route. I just wanted to educate you on some of your options & the effects of said choices.
I love audio as much as the next guy but I agree that to an extent, aesthetics do play a part in where my equipment (including subs) are placed. So if I were you, I would try having the subs up front in the 2 seperate corners. Get them dialed in as much as possible...trim, phase etc...& see how they sound. Just be aware that if only 1 of the 2 subs is placed in a bad spot, aka null, then it will negatively effect the bass making it worse than a single sub. So caution is needed along with some patience & a willingness to try other options. I don't want this to sound like integrating dual subs is a total PITA, I just want you to get your system running tip-top!!
If the subs sound good up front then leave them there for a while, relax & enjoy!! Then down the road, when you feel like messing around, try moving the subs around & see if other locations sound better. That's 1 approach option.
If it were me, I would place my current sub on the main listening seat, literally. Then I'd play some test tones or bass heavy music. I'd walk to every location that I'd be willing to place a sub, kneel down at that spot & listen. One at a time I'd test each spot, if you have an SPL meter even better. Have that in hand & take a measure of the output at those spots. Just find 2 spots that sound the best (powerful/detailed not weak or bloated) Then I would place a sub in each of those spots, try each of the 4 phase options to determine the best settings, then run my auto calibration (Audessey, YPAO, MCACC etc) & then fine tune the settings. This way your not "crawling" around because nobody enjoys that no matter age haha!!!
You may find that the subs up front do excellent. As long as your getting an improvement over the single Legend then your doing good. I just don't want a decrease in performance & I know you don't either. To be honest, once you have the subs, it just takes a little fiddling to get right. A couple placement options should get you there. Your half way there by knowing where 1sub sounds good. Now just find another spot that compliments the other

Remember to have fun in the process