I have a Denon 2112 that I purchased in January of this year. It is connected to a Motorola HD/DVR cable box (comcast) and to a Samsung 52in HD TV. About 2 months ago, I started getting screen black outs. The black outs last about 2-3 seconds and the audio is not affected. It only happens when watching cable tv. Also, if I re-wind the black out does not happen again. The black outs are completely random and really don't seem to have any pattern as to when they happen (some days it barely happens, others i can have 1 an hr).
I was told by someone that this might be an HDMI handshake issue. Can someone confirm if this is the case? I am not all that tech savy, so I am not even sure what an HDMI Handshake issue is.... If it is a handshake issue, I understand that one of the work arounds is to run the HDMI directly to the TV from the cable box and then run optical cables from the DVR to the receiver for the audio. By doing this, I will loose my on-screen menus, which is OK, but are there any other options?