I've heard of people willing to give their left nut in order to obtain something, but
THIS is a bit much!
"Last month, 22-year-old Mao Sugiyama had his genitals surgically removed, frozen and double-bagged in plastic. Then, the proud asexual artist turned to Twitter and made an offer five people just couldn't seem to refuse"
"[Please Retweet] I am offering my male genitals (full penis, testes, scrotum) as a meal for 100,000 yen [$1,250]."
..and who said he didn't have the ba!!s to be a real cook? The question, does he have what it takes to be more than a short order cook?
Which reminds me of a joke:
A man and his wife are visiting Mexico and go to the local restaurant for dinner. They can't seen to decide on what to have so they spend a lot of time looking over the menu. While they are looking, they hear a trumpet fanfare, and out of the kitchen comes the cook with a big platter. He is accompanied by two or three waiters and with much ceremony, they place the platter on the next table and uncover it to reveal two rather large rounded pieces of meat surrounded by vegetables and lots of garnish.
The man and wife ask their waiter what that was all about and the waiter explains that the next table was just served the house specialty-the testicles of the bull from the day's bullfight. The man and his wife ask for the same dish and the waiter explains that there is only one bullfight per day so they can't have that dish tonight, however, they could be the persons of honor tomorrow night and that makes the couple happy.
They return the next day and await the feast. There is the trumpet fanfare, and the big procession and all the hoop-de-do and they set the platter down and uncover it only to reveal two rather small morsels.
When the man asks the waiter, " what gives--yesterday's were so much larger?" To which the waiter replies, "Well senor, you must understand, some days the bull wins."