All you're saying really saying with that petulant (and oddly repeated) comeback is that, unlike with the speaker you posted, I am correct that one cannot distinguish the mid-treble crossover point on a competently-designed one just by looking at the FR along the front hemisphere. Whereas one can on a speaker that is less-than-competently designed.
Furthermore, your writings allow someone to infer that you lack the analytic training to reliably distinguish between interpretations of product performance based on objective data that may be pointed and blunt but are accurate, or comments judging reader's skill in interpretating plain text* on one hand, and mindless personal attacks on the other. That is a learnable skill, however. You should work on it.
In AVR news, yesterday I set up my new Sherwood Newcastle R-972, with Trinnov room correction. I'm using the EQ only, no spatial remapping because my nearfield system is already optimally set up, and the bedroom system is just for background. As room correction Trinnov works so damn well that I was taken aback. For instance, it's the first automated room correction I've ever used (and remember, I've used all of the good ones available on AVRs!) that didn't require post-hoc futzing to get the mains-sub transition region right. I wish the part had a few more features (on-screen volume display is a big one) because if it did it would supplant my Anthem MRX 300 in the main system. I'm using it as a 5.1/2.1 AVR, 5.1 in the nearfield system with wires strung to make a 2.1 system in the bedroom. Per Curt Hoyt's Trinnov Application Notes, I was able to set it up to use the room correction for both rooms. Trinnov made the bedroom system superior to my Meridian 551 integrated amp in the bedroom system, and with an RF remote it's actually usable there. I think, when new, the little 2-channel Meridian integrated cost more than the original MSRP of the R-972!
Sadly, Yamaha doesn't have an answer for Trinnov and ARC. I wish they did, because my perception (which may well be incorrect) is that their parts tend to be more reliable than the Denons/Onkyos of the world, but they play at the same price points. So while I do think the Anthem MRX is the best AVR available today based on the improvements wrought by ARC (and the setup improvements one can make guided by QuickMeasure perhaps even more so!), I wish somebody would pick up the Trinnov baton and make a reasonably priced and glitch-free AVR or pre-pro with that excellent room correction system.
*I will admit a great deal of impatience with people who read something and go off half-cocked based on their own lack of ability to competently interpret written English. Perhaps that is a character flaw. It's a flaw that happens to earn me a good living, however, so I'm loathe to attempt to do anything about it.