So my sub is a Velodyne VX-11. It has no "Feet", it lays directly against my hardwood floor.
Even turned down to about a Quarter volume + -12dB and whatnot, the amount of bass it produces is, well, absurd, the room shakes, and I get these crazy vibrations.
So I figured maybe putting a towel under it, or a carpet of some sort.
I found these:
But the price is crazy...60$...though I may have to end up getting it if I can't fix this issue.
I was hoping it'd be like a 15-20$ fix, at most.
Alot of it has to do with my rooms shake and location of the sub, which I cannot do much about, unless well, I remove a table from my room, and even then, it'd only improve by a small margin.
Also need something to tilt my center, sitting at my desk, towards me. My old speaker came on a platform that I could tilt towards me; my RC Micro does not. I see Auralex makes something for this as well..for 40$.
Shot at 2012-05-19
I put a wedge I found + a cloth towel and angled it decently at my face, but it's not right at it, probably about mouth level and it's flimsy at best. Plus, it's flush against the top of the desk, I'm sure that causes some kind of reverb or so...though I put a small cushion between it to help with that, but I doubt it does much. I also have it stuck out an inch, as that was recommended by some guides I saw, that if you have to have a speaker in an enclosure like that, sticking it out half an inch can make a world of difference...really, it's the only place for my center.