Looking to buy 2.1 system for my living room.



Audioholic Ninja
The LFE setting is not a crossover. It is independent of the crossover. It should be set to 120 Hz.


Ok, that's all I wanted to know about the LPF for LFE setting, 120HZ it is.


Mm, I've run into an issue, of sorts, not sure it's a fixable one...might just be the sources.

Anyways, was checking out the Status option of the Receiver and found where it displays what channels it's doing; 2/0/0 for most sources. Even 5.1 sources. All I expected was 2/0/.1 to appear.

So I held my hand on the bass while I listened to some FLAC's, nothing. While I played some Bluray content that supports Subwoofers (It does on my PC at least)

Some of the content it -does- appear on though, some Blu-ray, no music though. When I check the PS3, it either says Dolby Digital 2ch(Yes, I know this means 2 channel or Stereo audio), or Linear PCM 5.1

I tried checking my PS3 out for settings, or my media server for any. My Media server is set to output a maximum of 6 channels(5.1).

I'm guessing these tracks don't have the .1, so...this is just natural, then? My Subwoofer does nothing? It's strange, because these Sources clearly have times when a Subwoofer would benefit greatly. As I said, they have it on my PC, but that may just be my Media Player upconverting and forcing it, as I've set it up like that somehow.

So, it's just kinds frustrating to see my Subwoofer sitting, there doing nothing in a great deal of my sources, and music. I kind of thought it was just something that would take over bass & treble and all that stuff automatically. Most sources are either 2 channel or 5.1 from what I've seen.

I haven't really seen ANY 2.1 sources, at least where I get mine from.

Or is there just something I'm missing?


But on the good side things, my Subwoofer finally showed some worth in one of my Sources that DID support it. Broken Blade, the initial fight scene between giant mech's, had awesome treble and the perfect amount of bass when they hit. It felt just like when two steel pipes collide, the vibration, that sound. It made it all the more imposing.

Though, just a few minutes later, during a musical part, it managed to let me down by adding random booming bass during a slow song. Very random, felt completely out of place during what was basically Piano music to have "BOOM BOOM BOOM"

Looks like I've still got a ways to go.


Audioholic Warlord
I'd call Denon. I bet their customer service is as good as Onkyo. I would also try your heaviest Bass CD and adjust it to your taste. That way you don't have to keep adjusting. That's what I did and now I'm happy.



The center arrived today.

It was ONLY 2.5x BIGGER than I thought it was going to be. Holy crap; I looked at Centers in stores and online, but this thing is huge!

Size of a bookshelf damn speaker!

I've no place to put it! I'd have to raise the TV up like 7-8 inches! Or put my PS3 & Cable Box on top of the Receiver and place it on the top cabinet...but then air flow for those devices would be terrible. :p

Seriously, the picture makes it look really small.


Audioholic Overlord
It pays to do your homework.

If you look, you can usually get the dimensions for almost any speaker somewhere on the web, even if you have to visit the manufacturers site.

The way you've been posting links here, you should be an old pro at researching this stuff.



It's not like I can see dimensions and automatically realize the size. I was at BestBuy looking at centers and they were all far smaller. You could fit two and a half of the centers I saw @BestBuy into this one. :p

Going to be a pain to find a place to put it.


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks to the magic of a measuring tape, you could have known it would be huge.

You're like.... allergic to figuring things out yourself.


I wouldn't be on a forum asking these questions if I wanted to do that, would I?

The fact of the matter is, it's a bookshelf sized speaker. Damn.


Audioholic Ninja
I wouldn't be on a forum asking these questions if I wanted to do that, would I?

The fact of the matter is, it's a bookshelf sized speaker. Damn.
16-5/8"W x 6-1/4"H x 8-3/4"D

Not sure what you expected. Did you have trouble interpreting those numbers, or did you just never even look at what size the speaker might be?


Audioholic Overlord

It's not like I can see dimensions and automatically realize the size. I was at BestBuy looking at centers and they were all far smaller. You could fit two and a half of the centers I saw @BestBuy into this one. :p

Going to be a pain to find a place to put it.
Well, you've seen pictures of it with the grille cloth off and you knew it had two 5 1/4" woofers with a tweeter between them.

You couldn't even figure an approximation if it's size from that?

Gimme a fargin' break :rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord
Lemme get this straight...

I wouldn't be on a forum asking these questions if I wanted to do that, would I?

The fact of the matter is, it's a bookshelf sized speaker. Damn.
So, you're saying you're simply too lazy to do any work for yourself and want everyone else to do it for you? :eek:

This well might be running dry pretty soon.


So, I hooked up the Center Channel and put it at a temporary place and have a few fine tuning questions.

Crossover frequency, 80HZ like the speakers? Also, Dolby Surround is what is selected now instead of Stereo, obviously, but for some reason, Stereo sounds fuller. When I do Dolby Surround, all music, sound effects, and voices come from the Center Channel. The Front L & R seem to be doing nothing. I was expecting them to handle the music and sound effects, while the center focused on voices and the odd, random sound effect.


Audioholic Ninja
The receiver doesn't know what "music" is versus "sound effects." If you're feeding it a stereo signal, it does its best to matrix it up to more channels but there's only so much you can do.

Feed it a proper multichannel signal and you will get more satisfactory results.

As for music, I - and most people here - prefer to listen to music in stereo mode.


Yeah, music is best in Stereo, I get that, but I'm talking about movies. Going to feed it some 5.1 signals, it'll downmix them, but should still come out nice.


Audioholic Warlord
Man have you even tried reading those things I posted? All those questions you are asking are answered there THERE. Stop playing those PC games and READ man. You are frustrating you know. :p :D

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  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
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