This week's Saturday nigh screamer is pretty good;much more interesting than I expected. I got interested when Rotten Tomatoes has 93% of critics being positive...what?
Anyway, it's almost like a horror movie about horror movies. The usual setup of a bunch of horny college students played by too-old actors, go to a remote cabin for a weekend debauch. Along the way, they meet a threatening gas station owner, get warned, and lacking any semblance of good sense, go to the cabin anyway. Things go straight to hell after that. Cameos of almost every monster ever created abound. A Lovecraft-ian story develops...influences of Philip K D*ck appear...blood and heads fly. This flick is more interesting than most horror movies and even could bear another viewing. If you can handle this sort of movie, this one won't leave you feeling like a sucker when it's over.