I've not eaten their burgers or most stuff for years.
The ONLY reason I would ever set foot in one of them was for one item only: I Loved their Sausage Egg McMuffin. Well, make that two. The potato patty was good and went well with that. I couldn't start a long driving trip without them. That crunchy muffin surrounding what passed for an egg with a sausage patty and a slice of cheese just made my day.
But, last week we drove 10 hours to Ohio and, in the normal course of things, I stopped by my local Micky Dees for my usual road breakfast repast, got on the road and when I finally hit the interstate. I unwrapped my beloved McMuffin and took my first bite expecting my crunchy treat.
Bleagh!!! The muffin was now a thick, doughy, pasty, soft piece of bread with barely a crust that barely bore a resemblance to the muffin they had used the last time (and for years before) without change. At least the potatoe patty was still good but I ain't going there just for that.
If this is their idea of progress, well, it's been nice knowing ya. It may be cheaper or easier for them but some things simply shouldn't be changed. English muffins are one of them. So much for a long road trip institution.