Actually it could, many amps, when less than all channels are being driven, usually boosts how many watts are being sent to the other channels, although my headroom comment could be off.
Lets not get into bi-amping.

Passive bi-amping is useless, and provides no audible difference. PENG, who is an electrical engineer gave me a bunch of things to read about it, other than many of the things I've read myself. I don't still don't feel I can confidently explain why it is useless without sounding a bit like an idiot, but I understand enough about physics and electricity to comprehend enough of what I've read to know it just doesn't provide any measurable or audible differences.
Well, that and I've tried it myself just to be sure, and am even more convinced any difference anyone hears when they passively bi-amp or bi-wire is just them hearing what they want to hear.