Hey Guys I have a noob question and I appreciate all help. I have a Onkyo TX-SR805 with Klipsch F3 5.1. I feel like this isn't the right receiver for my system. Dont know if this is the correct term (Audio Signal) if not I just made it up. Lets say im playing an action movie, I feel like the signal processing of the amp isnt pushing the separation of audio details as clean as I would expect. For example if there is a huge explosion I would expect the glass to hit the ground cleanly with separation and great detail, I would expect the explosion to surround the room and hear pieces of debris hitting the ground in the same fashion, I mean that is what DTS is good for isnt it. I have the treble turned up on all channels quite a bit and it helped with highs but still didnt give me the detail I was wanting from scenes like that. Another thing is the surround speakers I know are not supposed to be like front L/R channels but they have always been low I turned the treble and it improved but still not getting the audio detail i would like. Question is do i need a more powerful amp and use the Onkyo as a Preamp. Should I get a better A/V receiver with better signal processing abilities, or should i just get a new Preamp/Amp? When I turn up the volume it kicks *** but it just lacks in the detail of sharp clean sounds and thats more of what im looking for. Please provide units that would best help in this situation im willing to spend a couple grand to achieve this of course the less the better but please give suggestions thanks!!....
If you have the treble turned up on all channels, I would venture to suggest, either you have a severe hearing high frequency loss, or your personal audio reference point is way wide of the mark.
Klipsch speakers in particular bore a hole in your head even without turning up the treble.
HT is a very difficult audio environment. I think this is because there are so many sounds in a movie that are very familiar to everyone.
Realism requires systems with extremely smooth frequency response on all channels, and wide dynamic range. All speakers need good dispersion patterns.
Basically only very good systems indeed give, that feeling it is really real and be able to place you outside in an open space for instance.
I have now heard quite a few systems. Any speaker problem and you tend to localize to that speaker. With most systems I hear the centers seem to have terrible problems and and my brain is just drawn to them like a magnet and I get to all intense and purposes no sense of reality.
The engineers are doing a better and better job. I have spent the last few months ironing out even very minor frequency aberrations indeed.
If you play a recent offering like War Horse the reality is totally astonishing.
I have come to the conclusion you can't have anything wrong or out of place, or the psyche is not fooled. For a system to fake reality, you have to attend to lots and lots of small details and some very small.
I can tell you with those speakers and the treble cranked causing gross frequency response aberrations, you will get no semblance of reality whatever.