Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
Maybe I mistook the solidarity forever comment to be mocking. :rolleyes:

Is that when you discovered that your door swings both ways?;)
Don't worry. My door isn't going to hit you in the @$$. :D

Sometimes it's an advantage to be in this time zone.:)
Being at the eastern edge of my time zone has it getting dark at like 3:30 in the winter. It's messed up.

On an unrelated note I am going to get my eyeglass lenses replaced under their 1 year warranty. Too bad they don't have polarized light sensitive lenses. That would eliminate my need for a clip on.


Audioholic Slumlord
This came out pretty good. A little spicey though. I'm thinking that I used too much pork rub. The provolone I added was a nice touch.
I don't get how they weave the bacon like that.
I haven't had bacon in a while but that weave has me fixated. :)


Audioholic Spartan

You can skip to the one minute mark.
This guy talks too much.
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Audioholic Slumlord
I can't look at the bacon weaving right now. I need to go grocery shopping. If I watch that before I go ... the future me is not to be trusted. The present me is making a decision not to tempt the future me with ideas that would subvert the minimal effort the past me has put into the insuring the present me and future me doesn't turn into a f^%&in' butterball.

I'm glad I didn't know about this site when I quit drinking. That's got to be the second most talked about topic here since politics got the boot. I wouldn't have made it past the first weekend. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
I can't look at the bacon weaving right now. I need to go grocery shopping. If I watch that before I go ... the future me is not to be trusted. The present me is making a decision not to tempt the future me with ideas that would subvert the minimal effort the past me has put into the insuring the present me and future me doesn't turn into a f^%&in' butterball.

I'm glad I didn't know about this site when I quit drinking. That's got to be the second most talked about topic here since politics got the boot. I wouldn't have made it past the first weekend. :rolleyes:
I'm sure you could go with a tofu weave. I bet it tastes just as good. Especially if you through in a little lettuce & some brussel sprouts.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm sure you could go with a tofu weave. I bet it tastes just as good. Especially if you through in a little lettuce & some brussel sprouts.
Just for a goof I tried tofu sausage and soy sausage for a goof. Although they weren't bad when cooked right it wasn't worth the effort when I considered the fat content. I did have pizza for dinner and breakfast but I'm just not ready to go whole hog ... yet. I've still got some fight left in me.


Audioholic Spartan
Just for a goof I tried tofu sausage and soy sausage for a goof. Although they weren't bad when cooked right it wasn't worth the effort when I considered the fat content. I did have pizza for dinner and breakfast but I'm just not ready to go whole hog ... yet. I've still got some fight left in me.
I just wanted to give it a try. Now I can say that I've experienced it first hand.
Tofu burgers are not bad, if you can get past all the strange 'sprouts' they always seem to come with. It's like they grab some fresh cut grass from the front lawn and toss it in there.
It's a shame that anything that tastes good seems to be bad for us. Anything that helps us to live longer takes away all the reasons for wanting to. Whatever happened to the days when I would eat pizza and burgers every day, drink and party till the sun came back up, and did nasty things to sweaty girls with names I never learned?

Edit: Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative.


Audioholic Slumlord
Whatever happened to the days when I would eat pizza and burgers every day, drink and party till the sun came back up, and did nasty things to sweaty girls with names I never learned?
Those days caught up to you. ;)
Now it's hard to reach your feet to tie your shoes and sometimes it hurts when you pee. :D


Senior Audioholic
just took out the hard drive from my netbook... about to back up my desktop hard drives


Senior Audioholic
And I get a bsod while copying my stuff. I worried... My graphics card is reaching a new level of instability


Senior Audioholic
im gonna go ahead and say the card is pretty well dead. time for a pretty new one. i bet i might be able to get $50 out of this one
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