System simplification or downgrade?



Full Audioholic
I’m considering simplifying (not changing my main speakers – see signature). From this:

Yamaha P2500S x 2
Marantz AV7005
Rythmik F12

To this:

Marantz SR7005 or similar
Rythmik F15HP

Thoughts & discussion are welcome!

Caveat: I’m perfectly content with what I have except I think a system with less (wires/plug-ins when I invariably move as the military directs not to mention limiting holes in my Amish entertainment stand) would suit me just as well. I figured a subwoofer upgrade just because. :D



Audioholic Warlord
I don't think that's a bad idea at all, although personally I would go for the marantz SR6006 instead of the SR7005, it's just got a few small differences that makes me like it a little more, and if you are going to use an AVR to power your speakers the difference between the two isn't big enough to warrant the extra money.

As for the sub upgrade, I have no issue with it at all and I'm not sure what your budget is for this thing, but I'll throw out a few links for your consideration anyways :)

Product Listing, Availability, Status and Pricing - Seaton Sound Discussion Forum

VTF-15H DualDrive Packages

The first is probably above your budget, the next two probably would defeat your goal of simplifying, but you could always get a single of either.


I've heard a few different models from this company and I was really impressed. All hand assembled stuff made out in CT. Great customer support too.


Another company that hand assembles their speakers, you can get a custom finish and because they're an ID company they offer an in home trial period.


I haven't dealt with this company before, they're a custom install company down in florida I think, but this is a pretty good deal on a velo so you might want to give them a call.

Theres always funk audio as well, but if the submersive is out of your price range so will a funk, unless their 15 inchers are out, but it doesn't look like it on their website right now.

So theres a few links to keep you busy :D


Audioholic Ninja
I look upon the removal of the Yamaha amps as a downgrade. The pre-amp sections between the two Marantz will be more or less comparable and certainly not discernible by sonic signature. The amp section however is no where near as capable as the Yamaha PS's.
Replacing the sub with its HP variant may add output in the 10-30Hz frequencies, but, will not alleviate room mode related peaks and dips. Therefore this is a side grade. Adding a second sub, would can be considered an upgrade.

Also, IMO, losing two of the smaller pieces of gear, you are not gaining much in agility. Get rid of the sub and/or all three Salk speakers and that makes for significantly less weight and boxes respectively.


Audioholic Warlord
Haha, no way he's getting rid of the salk speakers, those babies are just too nice.

As long as you aren't playing anywhere near reference levels and you don't need the extra power the yamahas provide, then you aren't losing anything. One of the main things you will be losing is the extra headroom for peaks, explosions, that sort of thing.

If you don't think you need the headroom I'd be willing to wager the marantz will still be able to play reasonably loud (I have an SR5006 and it plays loud enough with only three speakers hooked up to it)

A tend to agree about the sub, you either need to go bigger to really get an upgrade, or get a second, which it sounds like you really don't want to do if you're simplifying. Those HSU package deals are pretty sweet though.


Audioholic Slumlord
I would not recommend removing amps - your mains are not super efficient / super easy to drive so having an amp is a benefit - I'm thou slightly confused as for why do you need two stereo amps? Do you bridge them? with 4 ohm loads???! :eek::eek:

If I were to change anything is sell one of the amps and get 2nd F12
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Audioholic Jedi
I would not recommend removing amps - your mains are not super efficient / super easy to drive so having an amp is a benefit - I'm thou slightly confused as for why do you need two stereo amps? Do you bridge them? with 4 ohm loads?

If I were to change anything is sell one of the amps and get 2nd F12
Same here. If you are using them to biamp I think you'll probably be fine with a single amp. I see the center there so is the second amp running only one channel or bridged to the center? Without knowing extenuating circumstances, I'd have to agree with selling one amp and picking up a second sub or switching to the 15HP.


Same here. If you are using them to biamp I think you'll probably be fine with a single amp. I see the center there so is the second amp running only one channel or bridged to the center? Without knowing extenuating circumstances, I'd have to agree with selling one amp and picking up a second sub or switching to the 15HP.
That's what I would do. Sell one of the amps and get a second sub, not really a simplification or downgrade but a better overall system.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Obviously removing the amps would be a downgrade, but the question you need to ask is does it matter to you. Why not try running your speakers on your current AVR and see where you are there. If you think you can get by with the power the AVR provides, then you're good.

Also since you're trying to simplify I'd recommend adding at least 3 more subwoofers and going 11.4.


Audioholic Jedi
Obviously removing the amps would be a downgrade, but the question you need to ask is does it matter to you. Why not try running your speakers on your current AVR and see where you are there. If you think you can get by with the power the AVR provides, then you're good.

Also since you're trying to simplify I'd recommend adding at least 3 more subwoofers and going 11.4.
He has a pre-pro, not AVR.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm thou slightly confused as for why do you need two stereo amps? Do you bridge them? with 4 ohm loads???! :eek::eek:
Looking at the right amp and right knob on that amp, I believe he is using 3 of the 4 channels for the front stage.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Well yes, that explains why I couldn't find any wattage specs.... Sorry about that, will pay more attention next time.


Audioholic Jedi
I think we all missed that.
I didn't entirely miss it, because I saw the center so I figured he might be doing that. I used to do the same thing before I moved to the XPA-3 because two amps took up too much space in my rack. Crank the balance over to one side and just run the one channel, but I always felt funny about running it that way.


Full Audioholic
Man - quite a bit of discussion; thanks all!

Indeed, I'm running two amps to get 3 channels - we use the center for watching the news but mostly (95% or so) listen to stereo music (.flac, Pandora, internet radio). One channel is unused which has always bugged me.

I like the idea of adding another subwoofer but that's moving in the wrong direction! ;) I'm crossed over at 80 hertz currently and so the amps are really only pushing highs. I'm considering a 15" sub as I've read (and discussed with Rythmik) that these can be more accurate than a 12".

We do listen at loud levels sometimes but I don't think anywhere near the capability of those pro amps hence the leaning towards an AVR as an amp. Ah, decisions!


Audioholic Ninja
IMO, unless you're replacing the F12 with a FW 18 caliber sub, there isnot much to be gained by "upgrading" the sub.

IMHO, add a FW18 to your current setup without removing anything.

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