just in case link above don't work:
Solution a)
You can use the system image created using Windows 7 backup to restore to a different hard drive. These are the steps:
1. Boot into the repair disc / Windows installation disc
2. Select "Reimage your computer"
3. Connect the disk which contains the backups.
4. Choose the recommended system image or choose a different one if you wish.
5. On the next page select the time period of the image you want to restore to. Click Next.
6. Now choose "Format and repartition disks".
Go ahead and complete the wizard.
If this fails solution b)
It seems that when you attached/removed the disks then the disk ordering got changed.
There are two basic requirements for Windows Recovery to work:
1) Boot hard disk: This is where System (Active) partition sits. It should be the first disk.
Please verify that the correct hard disk is identified as Boot Disk:
Open Cmd prompt: Diskpart.exe, Select Disk = System.
This will show the Disk where OS will be restored.
2) Hard disk size:
Make sure that the boot disk size is equal or greater than the backup time disk size.
3) If you find that a different hard disk is selected as Boot disk then check the hardware IDE/SATA port connector. Make sure that the correct disk is attached to the first IDE/SATA port. Check the BIOS menu also.
4)If you are shifting your OS to a different disk, then remove the old hard disk before recovery. If both the new and old hard disks are attached, then restore will not proceed. You may attach the old disk back after recovery is done.
5) The reason: If two disks have same Disk Ids then it create issues during recovery. The new target boot disk is assigned the same Disk ID as it was during backup of the old boot disk. During recovery, if you keep the Old disk attached then there will be a conflict of same IDs given to two different disks that would result into failure.