Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
It's a little strange that as a two time former Floridian I would feel gypped by the lack of winter but I'm not ready for heat waves just yet. We've got trees going into bloom and I'm wanting to see a blizzard. It's not right.

On an unrelated note I guess I may as well complete an OSHA safety course. I was suppose to have completed it about 8 years ago but I have just lied about it when asked. I'm probably only doing this because TBT got 2B. :rolleyes:

Stray dogs and unseen college girls ... puh-lease! :D


Audioholic Jedi
I noticed on Wednesday or Thursday morning that some of the grass seed that I'd put down on Sunday afternoon had sprouted. I'll admit, it was pretty exciting. I think that's the fastest that I've ever seen that happen. I guess that spraying 200 gallons of water a day on the lawn is doing something.


Audioholic Ninja
The fishing is going better this morning. I woke up thinking about Carolina Rigs and this rainy weather has yielded good results. I caught a turtle which I threw back and it got me thinking... If I can catch a turtle, I could catch a snake. If I could catch a snake, I don't wanna fish anymore.


Audioholic Spartan
The fishing is going better this morning. I woke up thinking about Carolina Rigs and this rainy weather has yielded good results. I caught a turtle which I threw back and it got me thinking... If I can catch a turtle, I could catch a snake. If I could catch a snake, I don't wanna fish anymore.
So you don't like turtles?:confused:


Audioholic Ninja
So you don't like turtles?:confused:
Not for breakfast. I caught a couple smaller Crappie and what appears to be be small mouth bass. I'm not really up on the SC fishing laws so I'm gonna need to read up before I figure out what I can keep or throw back. I'm in a remote location but I know the rules exist for a reason.

Golf this afternoon and more fishing tonight. Less beer tonight, though. 17 Yuenglings last night is just toooo many. I don't feel so great today.


Audioholic Samurai

My wife and I were at middle eastern restaurant a month ago and they asked us to be in a commercial.
I'm the guy near the end with the hat and glasses after they mention the market.

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Audioholic Samurai

I'm thinking about getting another tattoo. I want something different and unique, like maybe bibliophile spelled out in daggers or little skulls.


Audioholic Ninja
Well, I've watched every episode of "Impractical Jokers" now... Might try to catch another fish.
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