Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Senior Audioholic
He would be fine one second, go ballistic the next, then go back to normal. All in just a few seconds. All over the most trivial sh.t. And he wasn't as bad as his dad or uncles.

I must say though, when something truly upsetting would happen, he was the coolest head in the room.
sounds pretty familiar...


Audioholic Spartan
You posting that link and me clicking it has lead to two solid hours of reading nonsense on the internet and sending productivity to an all time low. Thanks, man. :)
I'm here for you, brother.:)


Audioholic Overlord
My opinion sprouts from first hand experience, not from movies. Since my dad was German and Irish, guess what that makes me. Guess what that makes most of my family. I've met my share of both. The stereo types are quite true in this case. As politically incorrect as it makes me, I stand by my opinion.
Your observations are just that. Science is based on observation. You clearly conducted a controlled experiment on a sample size. You also if I remember correctly live with a woman from completely contrasting culture. You have the broad cultural experience to make these sweeping opinions rooted in fact.

Seriously you telling me your wife doesn't have a temper?


Audioholic Spartan
Your observations are just that. Science is based on observation. You clearly conducted a controlled experiment on a sample size. You also if I remember correctly live with a woman from completely contrasting culture. You have the broad cultural experience to make these sweeping opinions rooted in fact.

Seriously you telling me your wife doesn't have a temper?
Everyone has a temper. Some are worse than others. My observations are mine built on a lifetime. I'd need more than words on a page to change what I've learned over the last 51 years.


Audioholic Spartan
You beat me to it.:D
I was in the middle of composing a post about the same thing.

I do see why you guys were so upset about the news.
Here is some text from the ad:
"Twister -- the elaborate adolescent courtship ritual that's all about contorting yourself into bizarre shapes -- is about to be revamped."
Don't know if the game change was more upsetting, or the fact that they called you adolescent.:D


Audioholic Jedi

Car, you perv boy. We went to go buy some pizza. Back when he ate carbs and I ate cheese.

Geese, you can take the man out of the perv, but you can't take the perv out of the man. Wait, that doesn't sound quite right...



Audioholic Overlord
Car, you perv boy. We went to go buy some pizza. Back when he ate carbs and I ate cheese.

Geese, you can take the man out of the perv, but you can't take the perv out of the man. Wait, that doesn't sound quite right...

I didn't realize we had birds among us. All this time I thought we were mostly human.


Audioholic Spartan
Car, you perv boy. We went to go buy some pizza. Back when he ate carbs and I ate cheese.

Geese, you can take the man out of the perv, but you can't take the perv out of the man. Wait, that doesn't sound quite right...

Perv? I had thought that you chopped him up and stored him in your drawer. It's good to know that you didn't turn him into lunch for a week.

You can take the perv out of the man, but he might like it in. NTTAWWT.


Audioholic Jedi
You can BYOT, but they'll probably have the laminated mats already set up for us.
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