Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Senior Audioholic
There's a girl in my class right now that's talking about her period in great detail.......... It's horrifying:eek::eek:


Audioholic Chief
I can't find someone to answer the phones at the office. My secretary has looked all over, seems like people don't want to work is the bottom line. Kinda sad, we're offering good money and benefits. I guess unemployment checks is preferable?

There's a girl in my class right now that's talking about her period in great detail.......... It's horrifying:eek::eek:
You ever had period sex? Looked like I got stabbed in the chest after I was done. I had no idea lol.


Audioholic Spartan
I can't find someone to answer the phones at the office. My secretary has looked all over, seems like people don't want to work is the bottom line. Kinda sad, we're offering good money and benefits. I guess unemployment checks is preferable?
No wonder Walmart got rid of their greeters.

You ever had period sex? Looked like I got stabbed in the chest after I was done. I had no idea lol.
I have. It was shocking to see my manhood looking like it was in a train wreck.


Audioholic Ninja
You ever had period sex? Looked like I got stabbed in the chest after I was done. I had no idea lol.
I've had one of those nights... I woke up the next morning, head pounding and looking around. A moment of panic set in when I couldn't remember what happened or what I might have done with the body. Fortunately it slowly came back to me after waking up a bit. Never heard from her again.


Audioholic Spartan
I can't find someone to answer the phones at the office. My secretary has looked all over, seems like people don't want to work is the bottom line. Kinda sad, we're offering good money and benefits. I guess unemployment checks is preferable?
We do have some similar issues around here, people are lazy and don't wanna work, but they still want a good life and go on expensive holidays..... :eek:

Some people actually believe that money is raining from the clear blue sky :confused:


Senior Audioholic
so.... no matter what insurance is gonna be $4000 a year... with a $800 bike or a $5000 bike...
oddly enough though insurance on a new ninja 250r costs a few hundred less than an $800 1989 500cc kawasaki ninja

now i must pray... and look for a job


Audioholic Overlord
so.... no matter what insurance is gonna be $4000 a year... with a $800 bike or a $5000 bike...
oddly enough though insurance on a new ninja 250r costs a few hundred less than an $800 1989 500cc kawasaki ninja

now i must pray... and look for a job
You might look at one you could fix up. An 800 dollar one could be fixed up to sell for a more. A 5k one is only gonna go down in value while good investment could grow that or you might save it for an Education which is the best investment assuming you get a marketable skill. Could you shovel snow in a rich neighborhood? Mowing, blowing leaves, and shoveling snow typically pay more than a job at the local supermarket. You just gotta bust your tale.


Audioholic Slumlord
Fixing up a bike is not that easy and the parts are expensive and they are dangerous and you can't ride them in winter and the insurance is expensive so what in the world would you want with one living in Canada. Try fixing one in Texas where it's warm and you can ride all year round and the insurance is cheap and then talk about how easy it is to make money on a fix'er up'er after you've had years to learn some safe habits on the roadways on 4 wheels surrounded by a cage and restrained by a seat belt. I don't think I've ever heard worse advice in my life short of something like 'go play in traffic'. :rolleyes:


Senior Audioholic
my dads bike insurance is $500 a year, he's only been in 2 accidents in the last 4 years (both times involved dogs.... they're fine though). CARS are EXPENSIVE!!! i could buy a neon for $300 and i would pay around $300 a month on insurance. now for a (somewhat) nice car (maybe a 03 sebring) it would be maybe $500/month and then i have to add gas on top of that. with a bike i pay 5k, $3200/year (found a better deal) on insurance, and then alot less gas than a car. in canada your first motorized vehicle is HELL and they make it that way.
also 2009 ninja 250r's sell for about $4900-$4500 so they dont lose value very quick. i dont see any way of owning a car at 16 in canada without your parents paying for most of it....... and the graduated license system sucks.
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