This sub appears to achieve nearly identical performance to the Emotiva Ultra-12, while costing the same. The Emo is more compact, but the EMP is definitely more attractive, so it probably comes down to priorities for the user.
Despite the similarities, I noticed that Clint gave the Ultra-12 a Value rating of 5, but you only gave the ES1010i a Value rating of 4.
I own some Impression series speakers in Red Burl, and to me the major selling point is the aesthetics/price ratio. I think you need to move up to Monitor Audio Platinum, Salk, or the now-defunct Mirage OMD series to get an equivalent or better-looking veneer, all of which are several times the price of the EMPs.
Since the performance/price ratio of the Impression Series seems to be in-line with other offerings, the fact that the aesthetics/price ratio is off the charts should bolster the 'value' rating. Especially since an equally-performing ugly black box from Emotiva got the top value rating.