Well thanks a lot TLS for making me look like a total idiot
I've checked the crown and marathon websites for the rms rating and each claim 300wpc @ 8ohms. Both the crown and the marathon clip in the same fashion. It's funny, I was told that I didn't need an amp because the 1121 would be more than enough, yet here I am clipping too different amp.
Check all the obvious first.
However my money is that this problem is the speaker design.
This will be a leaning experience for you.
As you measured a DC resistance of 3 ohms, the overwhelming probability is that the speakers are four ohm or less.
Now we have no got to talk about phase angles. To get the impedance the amp actually sees, you need to take areas on the phase curve that show negative angles and multiply the impedance at that frequency by the cosine of the phase angle. You would be shocked at what results can come up.
The next issue is if you measure an impedance below the DC resistance you measured, than the speakers are total junk and nothing will drive them. This is an absolute rule no exceptions.
The next issue is sensitivity, which is not what it seems.
There are two ways to spec, it. I volt 1 meter and 2.83 volts one meter.
At 8 ohms the numbers are the same. However if you spec at 2.83 volts, then a four ohm speaker sucks twice the amp power of the 8 ohm one, and yet the spec. will be the same.
So get you Dayton woofer tester from Parts express ASAP. It is very easy to measure the impedance curves and phase angles here. Then we will all learn a lot.
By the way I can not drive my friends B & W 800 Ds, to concert level in his room without clipping his 400 watts RMS per channel Mac amp into clipping.
Only very good amp and speakers can really be driven cleanly at true concert level dynamic range.